
Learn how to use the Atlas Copco logotype correctly on letterheads, envelopes or business cards.

Letterheads and envelopes

The Atlas Copco logotype can be used on the footer, or bottom part of letterheads as long as it is clear that the distributor is the sender. Use the Atlas Copco distributor logotype with half free space on letterhead and business cards.

Business cards

The business card should clearly should clearly express who is the sender and which is the legal entity of the company. The Atlas Copco logotype with distributor reference text is the preferred way. The distributor has the option to use the Atlas Copco logotype to complement the distributor’s name and logo.

Good example:

Atlas Copco logotype is used as a complement to the distributor´s name and logotype, and should as such be smaller. The maximum logotype size (width) is 18mm.

Bad example:

The distributor´s business card is too similar to Atlas Copco´s business cards. The legal entity could be mistaken.

Multi Brands

In cases where a distributor works for several brands, the Atlas Copco logo should be placed at the bottom of the card along with the other brands.