Industrial heat Pumps

With increasing CO2 and fossil-fuel prices, and a broader renewables footprint in the electricity mix, industrial heat pumps will be a key factor in achieving a more sustainable heat-generation approach in the future.

Industrial Heat Pumps: A highly efficient re-use of heat

With the urgency to fight climate change and to end dependence on fossil fuels steadily growing, low-grade heat recycling has become a viable option to close formerly open energetic loops and enable a sustainable, circular economy.

From process heat to space or district heating, the paper industry, food sector – these days, thermal heat makes up a significant portion of energy demand across Europe, with about two thirds of that heat being produced using fossil fuels. As a result, industrial process heat is responsible for about 20 percent of CO2 emissions across Europe.

Atlas Copco Gas and Process industrial heat pumps help to upcycle low-temperature waste heat sources (such as river water, sewage water, process wastewater and warm drying air or steam).

With the use of a fraction of the electric power to drive the heat pump (typical 20-40%), and with no CO2 emitted, this upgraded waste heat can be re-used in a process with the lowest environmental impact possible.

As OEM, we work with selected European EPC partners to realize complete heat pump systems.

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Performance range.

Atlas Copco Gas and Process’ high-efficiency industrial heat pumps handle process heat ranges between 10-50 MW (thermal) per unit and 80-300°C. With 100% oil-free compression, our turbocompressors are by design compatible with all commercially used refrigerants, including natural hydrocarbons and carbondioxide.

High degree of customization.

Our industrial heat pumps use integrally-geared compressor technology, which allows for flexible sections, individual stage adjustment etc. These are all aspects which strongly come to fruition in heat pump applications.

Industrial heat pump experience.

Atlas Copco Gas and Process has built up 30+ years of knowledge, experience and market understanding of the market, with a corresponding reference base featuring some of the world’s largest heat pump installations.

Industrial Heat Pump Brochure

Industrial Heat Pump brochure
22_0931_Heat Pump Brochure_LR.pdf
11 MB

Turbocompressor Driven Industrial Heat Pumps

Serving process heat range 10-50 MW (thermal) per unit and 80-300°C Using ambient and process heat sources between 0-150°C Tailored process designs for generation of steam, hot water and other heat transfer fluids Supporting all commercial refrigerants used Cooperation with selected European EPC partners

Contact us

Learn more about our end-to-end engineered turbomachinery solutions.

Contact us today for support with your process gas and air applications.

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