
On-site Gas Generator Seminar - May 2018

Industrial Gas generation seminar in Egypt

Industrial Gas generation seminar in Egypt

On May 7 & 9, 2018, Atlas Copco Egypt & Kettaneh (our distributor in Jordan) held 2 successful seminars on the on-site industrial gases targetting the decision makers in various industrial segments: Pharamceutical, F&B, Oil& Gas segments ...etc in Egypt & Jordan - .More than 150 guests from 80 companies were represented at both seminars including our customers and prospects.

A dependable source of industrial gas is critical in many industries. Where on-demand delivery of gas in bottles or tanks can prove to be both costly and unreliable. Under the theme "The bottle is history" - This seminar carried valuable information with benefits for our customers ensuring productivity, quality & efficiency and had a great role in marking the wealth of advantages of the flexible on-site production of industrial gas at the lowest possible cost.

Jorge Nava - Industrial Gases Product Specialist
The topics of presentations were introduced by Jorge Nava- Industrial Gases Product Specialist from Airpower which covered the latest technologies of the Gas generators and GA VSD+ and shed the light on how these products could bring value to the customers' productivity. The seminar was highly interactive as throughout the event, we had the opportunity to listen to the voice of customers and answer their needs and questions. The seminar was well received by the participants who appreciated the content as it provided more insight on Atlas Copco top innovations and latest technology enabling us to achieve our vision of becoming and remaining First in Mind—First in Choice ® to our stakeholders.

A preview of the On-site Industrial Gas Generators seminar that was held in "Kettaneh" in collaberation with Atlas Copco Egypt

Industries Products Air compressors Nitrogen generation systems Tag of displayed articles Product Product Release Category Technologies 2018 Customer day Egypt