How compressors prevent fire during harvesting

Merredin, 200 km out if Perth, in Western Australia is at the heart of Australia’s “wheat belt”. Two brothers owning a large wheat and sheep farm required compressed air to clean their farming vehicles. Atlas Copco’s dealer, Atlas CEA, offered them a U190 PACE utility compressor as the best fit for the job.

The wheat belt in Australia faces extremely hot and dry weather in summer and light winter rainfalls. The Atlas CEA representative went on-site to observe the farmers’ operations and noticed that the primary purpose of the compressor was blow-cleaning harvesting equipment such as tractors, headers and balers. Cleaning is crucial to prevent any build-up of fine particle’s and straw around the moving parts within the machines. In combination with extreme temperatures in the warmer months, the build-up of these fine particles can result in a serious fire hazard.

How compressors in agriculture help with safety

U190 PACE compressor with harvester

U190 PACE being dwarfed out by a large harvesting truck

Fires during harvesting are extremely common. A fire can start either in the crops near the paddock being harvested, or inside the machinery itself – often while in operation. This can lead to not only physical damage but business interruptions such as sourcing a replacement piece of equipment mid-season which can be time consuming, and expensive. Both brothers emphasize the importance of preventive machine maintenance, keeping not only their valuable equipment in good shape, but ensuring their own safety and that of their farm.

A utility compressor always fits in

U190 PACE next to a pick-up truck

The U190 PACE is easily integrated in or on a truck. With all service points at the same side, you can tuck this compressor away in a corner of your truck.

Atlas CEA advised the U190 PACE compressor as the best fit for the job. Even though this “utility compressor” isn’t fitted with wheels, the integrated features make this a highly mobile, easy to move compressor. Lightweight, tough and compact, a utility compressor can be serviced in less than an hour. The U190 PACE also comes with PACE technology, which enables the operator to adjust the pressure of the unit. Thanks to this technology, one compressor can be used for various applications on and around the farm.

How compressors prevent fire during harvesting

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