10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Discover our solutions for wastewater treatment

We offer clean air technology that matches all your aeration needs. With high energy efficiency and low total cost of ownership.
Waste Water Treatment
Medicinska in zdravstvena industrija

Varni sistemi za medicinske pline

Naša medicinska oprema za zračni kompresor brez olja je 100% zanesljiva, varna in certificirana za bolnišnice, klinike in urgentne ambulante.

Oskrba bolnišnic z medicinskim zrakom

Na kritičnem področju oskrbe bolnikov medicinska industrija zahteva popolnoma čist, prečiščen stisnjen zrak, ki mora biti 100-odstotno zanesljivo na voljo v operacijskih dvoranah in ob bolniških posteljah. Z našimi sistemi stisnjenega zraka za delovanje v bolnišnicah ste opremljeni za vsa področja vsakdanje medicinske uporabe, od neinvazivne ali intenzivne oskrbe do nujnih primerov.

Naši izdelki oskrbujejo bolnišnice z visokokakovostnim dihalnim zrakom ali medicinskim stisnjenim zrakom, ki je 100-odstotno zanesljiv, certificiran, varen in učinkovit - za vsako uporabo.




  • Izvedite več o certificiranju
  • Področja uporabe naših izdelkov
  • Spoznajte naše izdelke
  • Kontaktirajte nas

mother patient respiratory atlas copco medical

Nudimo vam opremo in storitev za dihalni zrak in kisik

Kot svetovni dobavitelj kompresorjev in opreme za stisnjen zrak je Atlas Copco pripravljen svojim strankam zdravstvene oskrbe ponuditi zanesljive in popolnoma servisirane stroje  za zagotavljanje neprekinjene oskrbe z dihalnim zrakom in rešitvami za medicinski plin. Naši kompresorji, vakuumske črpalke, generatorji kisika in čistilci zraka so vam na voljo 0-24 za obvladovanje povečanega bremena in delovne obremenitve.


V primeru, da potrebujete servis, pokličite našo telefonsko linijo +386 (0)1 56 00 715 in poslali bomo sodelavca za servis ali popravilo vaše opreme,  naša tovarniško usposobljena ekipa tehnikov vam je na voljo 0-24.

Nič olja, nič tveganja

Pri stisnjenem zraku za bolnike si ne morete privoščiti kompromisov. Izberite naše kompresorje za medicinski zrak brez olja, ki vsi ustrezajo razredu 0 po standardu ISO 8573-1.

Visoko zanesljivi sistemi za medicinske pline

Zagotavljamo izjemno čist, prečiščen medicinski plin za operacijske dvorane in bolniške postelje, primeren za kritično področje oskrbe bolnikov.

Predhodno certificirani sistemi

Medicinski sektor je strožje reguliran kot kdaj koli prej. Zato poskrbimo za predhodno certifikacijo medicinskih sistemov, ki poenostavijo vaše postopke certificiranja ob namestitvi.

Preberite več o našem certificiranju medicinskih pripomočkov.

people in lab
Paleta medicinskih izdelkov vključuje kompresorje, ki oskrbujejo 100% čist zrak za medicinske namene, medicinske vakuumske črpalke in čistilce zraka
Paleta medicinskih izdelkov vključuje kompresorje, ki oskrbujejo 100% čist zrak za medicinske namene, medicinske vakuumske črpalke in čistilce zraka

Ustreza vašim specifičnim zdravstvenim potrebam


Atlas Copco's medical compressed air preparation is certified in accordance with all major directives and regulations worldwide: 

  • European Pharmacopeia monograph
  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485 Medical Devices QMS (Quality Management)
  • ISO 7396-1  and ISO 14971 Medical Gas Systems (EU standard piping systems for medical gases)

The MED(+) medical desiccant air dryers are compliant to the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.


Atlas Copco's complete systems for medical compressed air offer a reliable compressed air supply, as well as unique drying and multi-stage filtration that converts ordinary air into medical compressed air. These innovative devices produce internationally certified clean air for all your medical and surgical applications.

Atlas Copco's MED/MED+ medical desiccant air dryers are pre-certified to international regulations, including the European Pharmacopoeia and quality standards such as ISO 13485. Pre-certification facilitates organization and inspection by regulatory authorities, reducing the time and cost of hospitals and the need to restructure the system to meet requirements.

Atlas Copco has developed a special test to ensure that the MED/MED+ series complies with international guidelines. The MED/MED+ series has been exposed to the highest concentrations of pollutants identified by governments worldwide. The MED/MED+ series has effortlessly met this challenge.

pharmacopopeia chart

Fields of application for medical compressed air

Breathing Air

girl with oxigen mask

When supplying breathing air, Atlas Copco meets the highest requirements for reliability and purity. Our equipment offers protection against a range of contaminants that may be present in a compressed air fed breathing air system. Our innovative devices provide clean air for all your medical applications: 

  • Mechanical ventilation and anesthesia
  • Drug delivery via a nebulizer 
  • Testing and drying of medical devices

Surgical Equipment

surgeons at work

Puncture, dissect, drill? Numerous surgical instruments are operated with compressed air and are dried with compressed air after cleaning. Our equipment provides clean air for surgical applications such as:

  • Pneumatic surgical tools (drilling, reaming, sawing, dissecting, tapping and screwing)
  • Pneumatic ceiling pendant operation
  • Testing of medical devices
  • High-speed high torque motors
  • Drying instruments in Sterile Processing
  • Providing clean, dry air for endoscope sterilizers

Complete Solutions

people in lab

Our medical air compressors and dryers are specifically designed for medical application. They guarantee an uninterrupted air supply in every situation.

Within the Atlas Copco group we have the possibilty to supply everything for your medical gas piped systems. Our BeaconMedaes brand offers complete medical air systems, vacuum systems, oxygen generators and gas cylinder manifold systems in your mechanical room, as well as the gas distribution system in your hospital. The BeaconMedaes organization covers all medical standards in the market and offers comprehensive technical and aftermarket support. 


Medical equipment

Matching your specific medical needs

To successfully treat your patients and make sure your medical equipment functions effectively, rely on medically certified gases. Developed to meet your specific demands for a variety of applications, we offer a full range of state-of-the-art medical gas solutions that produce pure medical, breathing and surgical air as well as vacuum and oxygen.

Ensuring patient safety with oil-free air

We offer a wide range of oil-free medical air compressors, developed specifically to comply with the specific medical requirements and regulations. With patient lives at stake, the choice is easily made for oil-free medical air compressors. You ultimately remove any risk of feeding oil into the hospital pipelines and delivering it to patients. As the market leader in oil-free technology, we have more than 60 years of experience and a global install base of over 40.000 oil-free compressors.

Could not find what you are looking for?

Within the Atlas Copco Group we have the possibility to supply everything required to support your medical gas piped systems. Our BeaconMedaes brand offers complete medical air systems, vacuum systems, oxygen generators and gas cylinder manifold systems in your mechanical room, as well as the gas distribution system (pressure regulating panels, isolations valves, monitoring alarms, gas outlets) in your hospital. The BeaconMedaes organization covers all medical standards in the market and offers comprehensive technical and aftermarket support. 

Contact us

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Za uspešno zdravljenje svojih pacientov in zagotovitev učinkovitega delovanja vaše medicinske opreme se zanašajte na medicinsko certificirane pline. Razvili smo jih za vaše posebne zahteve po različnih načinih uporabe in ponujamo celoten nabor
najsodobnejših rešitev za medicinske plinske, ki proizvajajo čisti medicinski, dihalni in kirurški zrak, pa tudi vakuum in kisik.

Nudimo široko paleto medicinskih kompresorjev za zrak brez olja, razvitih posebej v skladu s posebnimi zdravstvenimi zahtevami in predpisi. Glede na ogroženost življenja bolnikov, je izbira zračnega brez-oljnega kompresorje enostavna. S tem odstranite tveganje dovoda olja v sistem cevovoda in posledično do bolnika. Kot vodilni na področju brez-oljne tehnologije imamo več kot 60 let izkušenj in globalno bazo več kot 40.000 nameščenih brez-oljnih kompresorjev.
Nudimo široko paleto medicinskih kompresorjev za zrak brez olja, razvitih posebej v skladu s posebnimi zdravstvenimi zahtevami in predpisi. Glede na ogroženost življenja bolnikov, je izbira zračnega brez-oljnega kompresorje enostavna. S tem odstranite tveganje dovoda olja v sistem cevovoda in posledično do bolnika. Kot vodilni na področju brez-oljne tehnologije imamo več kot 60 let izkušenj in globalno bazo več kot 40.000 nameščenih brez-oljnih kompresorjev.
Preberite več o naših medicinskih certifikatih
Medical Device - MED+ medical air dryer
Preberite več o naših medicinskih certifikatih

Iščete drugo medicinsko plinovodno opremo ali storitev medicinskega plina? Prosim obiščite

Varni sistemi za medicinske pline

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