Postanite podjetje z zeleno proizvodnjo
Upoštevajte vse stroške proizvodnje zraka
Understanding the costs of compressed air and how to keep them low.
Let's have a look at every component of a compressed air system and the costs attached.
Calculate your estimated energy savings and payback time in our compressor payback estimator. Simply use the slider to adapt the following parameters
- Yearly running hours
- Evaluation period
- Efficiency improvement
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your current compressor
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your new green compressor
and read your results in a minute.
Calculate your estimated energy savings and payback time in our compressor payback estimator. Simply use the slider to adapt the following parameters
- Yearly running hours
- Evaluation period
- Efficiency improvement
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your current compressor
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your new green compressor
and read your results in a minute.
Calculate your estimated energy savings and payback time in our compressor payback estimator. Simply use the slider to adapt the following parameters
- Yearly running hours
- Evaluation period
- Efficiency improvement
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your current compressor
- Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your new green compressor
and read your results in a minute.
Izračunajte ocenjeni & nbsp; prihranek energije in čas vračila v našem kalkulatorju povračil kompresorja. Preprosto uporabite drsnik, prilagodite naslednje parametre:
- Letne delovne ure;
- Ocenjevalno obdobje;
- Izboljšanje učinkovitosti;
- Stroški moči, naložb, vzdrževanja in namestitve vašega trenutnega kompresorja;
- Moč, naložbe, stroški vzdrževanja in namestitve novega zelenega kompresorja;
in preberite svoje rezultate čez minuto .
Izračunajte ocenjeni & nbsp; prihranek energije in čas vračila v našem kalkulatorju povračil kompresorja. Preprosto uporabite drsnik, prilagodite naslednje parametre:
- Letne delovne ure;
- Ocenjevalno obdobje;
- Izboljšanje učinkovitosti;
- Stroški moči, naložb, vzdrževanja in namestitve vašega trenutnega kompresorja;
- Moč, naložbe, stroški vzdrževanja in namestitve novega zelenega kompresorja;
in preberite svoje rezultate čez minuto .
Izračunajte ocenjeni & nbsp; prihranek energije in čas vračila v našem kalkulatorju povračil kompresorja. Preprosto uporabite drsnik, prilagodite naslednje parametre:
- Letne delovne ure;
- Ocenjevalno obdobje;
- Izboljšanje učinkovitosti;
- Stroški moči, naložb, vzdrževanja in namestitve vašega trenutnega kompresorja;
- Moč, naložbe, stroški vzdrževanja in namestitve novega zelenega kompresorja;
in preberite svoje rezultate čez minuto .
Discover our 10 steps guide for green production
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to make compressed air systems more efficient while saving money and the environment at the same time?
The bad news is that there isn’t one way to do that. The great news is that there are ten ways!
Best of all, some of them involve things you can do today and that will cost you hardly anything at all.
By the end of the day, you could already be saving money.
Download our quick checklist to a more efficient production
Solutions for your compressor room
Future proof gas compression
See the environmental impact of your energy savings
How to use this carbon reduction estimator?
Step 1: Select your currency and unit of measurement
Step 2: Fill in your annual running hours, system power, and electrical cost per hour
Step 3: Choose the percentage of energy saving
1 bar air pressure band reduction: 7%
Changing from fixed speed to VSD: 35%
Changing from fixed speed to VSD+: 50%
Installing an energy recovery system: 94%
Step 4: Select the numbers of years to visualize saving over time
Have a look at the estimation of your reduction in electricity costs and your CO2 reduction. To make it more tangible, we visualized the reduction in CO2 in more common comparisons such as CO2 emissions from charged smartphones and a households' yearly electricity use.
Ker bo spopadanje s podnebnimi spremembami postalo glavna prednostna naloga, lahko proizvajalci pričakujejo strožje okoljske predpise. Vendar vlade proizvajalcem ne nalagajo novih bremen. V nekaterih primerih zagotavljajo tudi subvencije, davčne olajšave in druge spodbude.
Vas zanimajo podrobnosti? Preberite jih tukaj.
Ker bo spopadanje s podnebnimi spremembami postalo glavna prednostna naloga, lahko proizvajalci pričakujejo strožje okoljske predpise. Vendar vlade proizvajalcem ne nalagajo novih bremen. V nekaterih primerih zagotavljajo tudi subvencije, davčne olajšave in druge spodbude.
Vas zanimajo podrobnosti? Preberite jih tukaj.
Go green: arguments, risks & how to
The initial purchase price of a compressor is only a small part of its total cost of ownership. Knowing that energy makes up the bulk of these costs, how can you keep your compressor expenses down?
Investigate here the true cost of compressors
The initial purchase price of a compressor is only a small part of its total cost of ownership. Knowing that energy makes up the bulk of these costs, how can you keep your compressor expenses down?
Investigate here the true cost of compressors
The initial purchase price of a compressor is only a small part of its total cost of ownership. Knowing that energy makes up the bulk of these costs, how can you keep your compressor expenses down?
Investigate here the true cost of compressors
Total cost of ownership at Aquafin
New compressors offer many benefits. However, they also constitute a significant investment. So, when is it time for a company to make the switch?
Go through our checklist to find the answer
New compressors offer many benefits. However, they also constitute a significant investment. So, when is it time for a company to make the switch?
Go through our checklist to find the answer
New compressors offer many benefits. However, they also constitute a significant investment. So, when is it time for a company to make the switch?
Go through our checklist to find the answer
Izbira zračnega kompresorja
Poiščite pravi zračni kompresor za vaše potrebe po zraku z našim izbirnikom kompresorja.
Pametne rešitve AIR srednjetlačnim pritiskom
- smart AIR solutions medium pressure product overview 217.9 kB, PDF