
Making products more environmentally-friendly and sustainable

A look into our Atlas Copco environmentally friendly products

environment sustainablity
On World Environment Day, organisations across the globe raise awareness and commit to actions around the sustainability of their offerings and the protection of the environment through environmentally-friendly products and services. In celebration of World Environment Day 2021, Atlas Copco presents a look at six of its most sustainable and environmentally friendly products. #1 ENERGY RECOVERY Compressed air is one of the largest and most important utilities for the industry, thus making compressor energy savings a significant factor in impacting on costs and on the environment. How do you turn your compressor into an energy source with compressor heat recovery? Up to 94% of the electrical energy is converted into compression heat. Without energy recovery, this heat is lost into the atmosphere via the cooling system and radiation. You can use hot water recovered from the compressed air system for sanitary purposes and space heating, however, it is particularly suitable for process applications: Using the hot water as boiler pre-feed or directly in processes requiring 70 to 90°C can save you costly energy sources such as natural gas and heating oil. #2 VSD COMPRESSORS Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive compressor technology (VSD+ technology) more than 25 years ago, which saves 50% in energy costs compared to fixed speed compressors. An interior permanent magnet motor sets a completely new standard with regard to efficiency. It is oil-cooled and keeps the motor running on its optimal temperature. Making it more efficient when compared to the traditional air cooling. By switching to VSD compressor technology at its UK manufacturing plant, International Flavors & Fragrances, which makes flavors and fragrances for consumer products, saved more than €10,000 annually. #3 REDUCE FUMES By opting for the Electric air compressor E-Air LRC, companies are able to reduce their running cost by a whopping 50%, compared to a diesel compressor while also relegating diesel exhaust fumes to becoming a thing of the past. The absence of emissions is one of the reasons these compressors are perfect for indoor jobs or use in low emission zones, whilst electricity is (in most cases) a cheaper energy source than diesel, so you save on your running costs. In addition, the service costs are lower, as an electric motor requires less service than a diesel engine. #4 REDUCED EMISIONS AND FUEL USE The new ZenergiZe range from Atlas Copco takes modular energy storage to a new level. Designed with sustainability in mind, it helps operators dramatically reduce their fuel consumption and carbon emissions, while delivering optimal performance with zero noise and virtually no maintenance. #5 REDUCE ENERGY USE As the world shifts toward wireless tools and greater environmental responsibility, smaller, more convenient controller infrastructures are required. The Power Focus 6000 is one of the most powerful single tightening controllers on the market, connecting to a wide range of Atlas Copco assembly tools, boosting productivity and quality of your production line. #6 – IMPROVE EFFICIENCY As smart connected assembly continues to evolve and contribute towards the visions of the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0, new handheld, cordless tools such as the Tensor IxB range with integrated controller, will help improve quality, profitability, and most importantly, assists in making production noticeably more efficient.

Sustainable Productivity South Africa Group