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Time to calibrate?

Secure your quality and reduce defects through Tool Calibration and Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration.​
power tool calibration, tool testing, metrology, machine capability test

Safety measures against infection in manufacturing facilities

Fighting infection like COVID requires new safety measures in production.

  • Implementation of social distancing
  • Disinfection of surfaces and equipment
  • Introduction of personal protective equipment
We have solutions on how our products can help you to cope with these new challenges so you can operate in a safe and productive environment.

Safety when working with gloves - Rotaction sockets​

  • Use of gloves in production is related with risk of entangling fingers on rotating parts​
  • Rotaction sockets provide safe solution when use of gloves is required​
  • Choose from range of 500+ standard items

Touch screen response and disinfection - Atlas Copco HMI & AC Node​

  • Use of personal protective equipment in production is essential to avoid spread of the virus
  • Using standard gloves with touch screens often causes issues but not when you are using our Industrial design Assembly Control Node​
  • The IP65 cover protection with encapsulated design makes it easy and safe when disinfecting the device​
#personalprotectivepquipment #gloves #disinfection

Easy disinfection of ST Pad IP65

  • Our ST Pads are physically hand held units that get utilised most hours of every shift. Thus allowing for greater risk of infection.
  • The unique Industrial design of ST Pad with IP65 cover enables use of liquid disinfection.
#disinfection​ #qualitychecks

Social distancing - remote control by ToolsTalk2

  • Social Distancing in production requires increasing distance between operators as well as reducing presence of people to minimum.​​
  • Typically we are trying to reduce visitors as well as internal staff coming to production line. ToolsTalk2 brings next level in digitalization and supports all necessary actions related to maintenance, updates, configuration, back-ups etc. for PF6000 that can be done remotely.​
#socialdistancing #digitalization #remotecontrol #remoteaccess

Faster quality checks with QA 4.0 platform

  • Benefits of QA 4.0 platform increases safety aspects during Quality Assurance procedures​​​.
  • Scheduling functionality organizes your quality inspections so you optimize presence of people on the line, you know who, when and where is/was present​.
  • Joint simulator device like STbench enables quick checks thus reducing interaction with other workers and lowering risks of infection.​
  • Faster test is safer test​
#fasterissafer #qualitychecks #socialdistancing

Reduce human interaction between TN8 and QA Supervisor

  • Information from TN8 triggers the quality inspections.​
  • It reduces number of checks to minimum because connectivity between systems enable real-time tracking of status of the tool on assembly line​​.
  • Less inspections – less human interaction, safer​​.​
  • Bad trends in production will trigger QA inspections automatically​​​.​
  • Tests scheduling can be based on actual number of cycles of a tool​​​​.​
#socialdistancing #data #remotecontrol #qualitychecks​

PF6000 platform & line rebalancing​

  • Social distancing or lack of operators distract production​.​
  • Concept of Wireless Freedom makes line rebalancing easier and faster​.
  • Increase safety and cope with operational difficulties with flexibility solutions of Atlas Copco PF6 platform​​​.​
#socialdistancing #rebalancing #wirelessfreedom #operators​

Limit external visits and use your private service technicians with Open Tool Management Center​

  • Are you afraid of external employees to bring infection? Atlas Copco provides Tool Management Centers inside of your plant​.​
  • Dedicated technician is visiting only your premises and meets only your employees​​.
  • TMC provides complex set of values from repairs, preventive maintenance, onsite stock, troubleshooting, onsite competence and mainly immediate availability of technician​.​
  • TMC during COVID enables safe service at safety level equal to your production​.
#socialdistancing #maintenance #uptime​

Fix unfinished products out of assembly line with Tool Cart​

Tool Cart, fix unfinished products​
  • Unavailable parts from supply chain force manufacturers to make incomplete products​​.​
  • Newly manufactured cars are unfinished and parked around the factory​​​.
  • Tool Cart provides mobility and assures quick finishing of the car with traceability equal to production line​.​
  • Rework solution guides operators step by step to fix missing parts including tracking new tightening and parts identification​.
  • System provides traceability and quality of all assembly steps equal to real production.​
#supplychain #missingparts #reworking #traceablerepairs #backlog​

Safe work even under the stressful conditions with TN8 - learn from past and avoid future mistakes​

  • Catching up the backlog creates stress and increases likelihood of making mistakes​​​.​
  • Saved tightening results helps avoid repeating a mistakes​​​​.
  • Even with new operators, rebalanced line or under stressful conditions you are sure of quality of final products​.​
#operators #quality #backlog #processresults #data​

Operator guidance and visual support to keep production under control with SQS3

  • Resuming full production can come with some challenges as many staff will return in a phased approach and/or on rotational roster. This effect of this might result in performance and quality issues.​.
  • Operator Guidance with integrated process control and visual support during assembly operations can help keep production under control even if operators change.
#operators #quarantine #rebalancing #operatorguidance​

Service support when you start full production​

  • Are you planning start your production?
  • Request onsite or remote assistance from our service team and make sure your start up is smooth and delivering on demand
#resumeproduction #firsttimeright #uptime

Safety measures against infection in manufacturing facilities

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