10 étapes pour une production éco-responsable et plus efficace

Réduction des émissions de carbone pour une production éco-responsable - Tout ce que vous devez savoir
10 étapes pour une production d'air comprimé éco-responsable

Optimisez votre débit d'air avec un contrôleur central

L'Optimizer 4.0, notre tout nouveau contrôleur central, stabilise votre installation et réduit vos coûts énergétiques.
Optimiseur de compresseur d'air 4.0

Production éco-responsable

Les 8 avantages pour passer au VERT

Production écologique

Benefits of going green for a business

1. Electricity costs

Energy savings are a major economic benefit. 
In the case of an air compressor, for example, electricity costs make up 80% of the total cost of ownership. As a result, an energy-efficient model will quickly pay for itself. 

2. Tax credits and other benefits

Many governments now offer tax credits and other benefits for purchasing environment-friendly technology, which speeds up ROI even more. This is especially true now that many countries have committed to meeting ambitious emissions goals shortly.

Also since the industrial sector greatly contributes to an economy’s total energy consumption, offering these tax credits to manufacturers makes a lot of sense. However, governments not only try to meet their emissions targets through incentives but also through more stringent regulations.

3. Tighter government emission standards

Hoping to meet their climate change goals, governments are increasingly putting in place regulations to reduce pollution and promote efficiency. As a result, companies purchasing outdated equipment now may soon find themselves on the wrong side of tighter emission standards. 

Only investments in cutting-edge, green technology can ensure that machinery will comply with new environmental rules for a long time to come.  

4. Going green is the right thing to do

The overwhelming majority of scientists, and countless studies, tell us the planet is warming at a fast rate. According to them, this pace will radically change how humans live on it. Natural disasters like droughts, wildfires, floods, and storms are already gaining strength.

This is why people want the companies they buy from to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Energy-saving investments are one way to show consumers that your business is determined to play its part in preserving the habitable earth. That does not just help the planet. 

5. Attracting customers and building brand loyalty

Research and polling have shown that customers increasingly value companies that help protect the environment. In the age of social media, this is especially important. Businesses do not want to be branded as polluters or as dragging their feet on switching to green technologies.

Always keep in mind that nobody has been boycotted yet for consuming too little energy or being too green. 

6. Becoming an attractive employer

Your green investments could also end up being an investment in the next generation of skilled employees. Young people are especially concerned about the environment. That makes sense because, unless drastic actions are taken, they will feel the negative consequences that will be the result of a changing climate. 

Highly qualified individuals looking to enter the workforce or make a career change generally prefer to work for industry-leading companies. This applies to those with environmental goals.

7. Increased job satisfaction

Your investment in "going green," including using recycled products, planting trees, and subsidizing public transportation will increase the job satisfaction of environment-conscious employees. This helps you retain your best workers.

8. Improved occupational safety and health

One example is providing cleaner air at work. That, in turn, means fewer sick days and a healthier, more energetic staff.

Dans un monde de plus en plus respectueux de l'environnement, les consommateurs veulent dépenser leur argent durement gagné en produits qui ne nuiront pas à la planète et qui sont fabriqués par des entreprises soucieuses de l'environnement. 

Cependant, quelques entreprises ne sont pas prêtes à accepter le besoin de « passer au vert ». L'une des raisons est qu’on croit toujours que les investissements verts coûtent extrêmement chers. Rien ne pourrait être plus loin de la réalité. 

Nombreux sont les cas où le retour sur investissement dans une technologie respectueuse de l'environnement est excellent. Bien que le prix d'achat initial puisse être plus élevé, cet équipement sera rapidement rentabilisé par des économies d'énergie, visibles sur la facture d'électricité. A très petite échelle, pensez aux ampoules traditionnelles et aux lampes LED plus chères. Bien sûr, ces dernières sont plus chères, mais elles durent plus longtemps et consomment beaucoup moins d'énergie. 

Il en va de même pour de nombreux autres investissements verts, sur une bien plus grande échelle.  

Mais le respect de l'environnement présente de nombreux avantages, au-delà du simple retour sur investissement (ROI). En voici quelques-uns. 


As you can see, from direct financial benefits to marketing considerations and staff recruitment and retention, green investment is not just a smart investment in the present but also in the future.