A complete power generator portfolio, the solution to fit your needs

A guide to our complete power portfolio

One word best describes our power portfolio: choice! The products you will see throughout this booklet were all designed to offer you the best choice for your needs; meaning the perfect product for your application. We demonstrate this with the width and depth of our offering. At just about any power node we typically offer three alternatives, depending on your application and needs – there is no one size fits all approach here.

Download this booklet to find the power generator that fits your application.

Your need for constant, guaranteed power is critical. You can be assured that our generators provide efficiency, predictability and peace-of-mind – empowering your work with an uninterrupted power supply.

We have dedicated representatives in over 180 countries. The depth and knowledge of this network, coupled with our product expertise, makes us the “go-to” partner for thousands of critical power projects across the globe.

Plug. Light. Work
Light tower Hilight E3+p3500i portable generator construction site
Plug. Light. Work
Multiple HiLight towers can be connected at the same time, powered by a single portable generator.
Multiple HiLight towers can be connected at the same time, powered by a single portable generator.
Multiple HiLight towers can be connected at the same time, powered by a single portable generator.
Rain? Shine?
QES generators, ready to withstand the elements
Rain? Shine?
Guaranteed power all the time! The QES range is ready to withstand whatever the elements can throw at it.
Guaranteed power all the time! The QES range is ready to withstand whatever the elements can throw at it.
Guaranteed power all the time! The QES range is ready to withstand whatever the elements can throw at it.
What is the cost of no power?
qis industrial generator for critical applications
What is the cost of no power?
QIS generators provide peace of mind in many different applications where reliable power is needed. From critical stand-by to stationary prime or peak shaving.
QIS generators provide peace of mind in many different applications where reliable power is needed. From critical stand-by to stationary prime or peak shaving.
QIS generators provide peace of mind in many different applications where reliable power is needed. From critical stand-by to stationary prime or peak shaving.
Better together!
QAS generator power plant set-up
Better together!
The advanced paralleling capabilities of the QAS range enable you to build a modular system in minutes!
The advanced paralleling capabilities of the QAS range enable you to build a modular system in minutes!
The advanced paralleling capabilities of the QAS range enable you to build a modular system in minutes!

Take a look at our portofolio and let’s start a conversation!

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Power Generators

A guide to our complete power portfolio

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