
Water for All

Water for All is the Atlas Copco Group’s main community engagement initiative. Through the dedicated and passionate work of volunteering employees, Water for All funds projects which empower people through access to clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Since 1984 we have reached millions of people all over the world and there are local Water for All organizations in more than 50 countries.                

Water for All is Atlas Copco Group's community engagement.

Water for All is very close to the hearts of our employees. It was founded in Sweden in 1984 by Atlas Copco employees Peter Håkansson and Torgny Rogert and has continued to spread across the world ever since. At the center lies the strong belief that clean water is a human right and all voluntary employee donations to this cause are matched by twice as much by the company. The money is used to support projects which give people in need access to clean drinking water and improved facilities for sanitation and hygiene. Women and young girls are particularly affected by the lack of water and sanitation, and all projects supported by Water for All thus aim to positively impact the lives of especially women and girls.

Water for All - Egypt
Atlas Copco Calendar 2014 - commercial Water for All
Water for All - Egypt
In addition to our strong commitment to customers’ sustainable productivity we want to be a good corporate citizen.
In addition to our strong commitment to customers’ sustainable productivity we want to be a good corporate citizen.
In addition to our strong commitment to customers’ sustainable productivity we want to be a good corporate citizen.
Visit Water for All's dedicated website
In 2015 Atlas Copco Group’s Board of Directors visited one of Water for All South Africa’s projects in Dundee, KwaZulu Natal, 400 km South East of Johannesburg. Clean drinking water had been provided to a primary school with some 1000 pupils in the ages 7 to 12.
Visit Water for All's dedicated website