Electric driven oil-free air compressors for rent

Power grid available? Consider an electric driven air compressor to provide your 100% oil-free air supply.

Mobile electric driven oil-free air compressors to rent

Our mobile electric driven oil-free air compressors can connect to the grid quick, easy and safe.

How to select the best electric driven oil-free air compressor for your application?

Tailored electric driven oil-free air compressor rental for all applications and industries. For all your temporary projects: planned contingencies or unexpected emergencies, you can rely on our 100% oil-free electric driven air compressors for an efficient air supply – exactly how and when you need it. Our expert engineers will design with you the most suitable installation for your specific application. Our experienced technicians will quickly deliver and install our energy-efficient solutions.

Location, location, location

PTS air compressor commission project

Consider where the units will be placed. Not all electric compressors are designed to operate outside a compressed air room.

Understand where the temporary solution will be placed. Most likely this will be outside; so make sure the compressor was designed and tested to operate in outdoor circumstances. It needs to be able to withstand various ambient temperatures, humidity, dust...

Consider following when selecting your solution:

  • What is the maximum footprint of the installation? 
    • Understand the lay-out of the installation before installation.
  • How easy can this site be reached? 
    • Technicians will need to be able to access the installation in order to ensure your operation continues to run smooth. Make sure your supplier is trained and certified to operate in your industry.

Check your grid

PTE900 vsd plus reference square new

The PTE 900 VSD+ is designed to be easy, quickly and safely connected to the grid.

Running electric compressors will have an impact on your electric grid.

What you need to know before the installation:

  • What is the expected electric consumption of the installation?
    • Make sure to also check the starting current. Some electric compressors have a peak current that can potentially damage your breakers.
  • How easy can the compressor be connected to the grid?
  • Which safety measures will have to be taken into account? 
    • Is the unit safe to connect to your grid and your compressed air network?

Understand the air quality you need

PTS air compressor with cool down commission project

We can provide a total solution consisting of compressors, dryers, filters, chillers, nitrogen generators and much more.

Your application might not only require Class Zero certified oil-free air. Most often other air quality demands also need to be specified.

Make sure to define your requirements with regards to:

  • Flow and pressure
  • Temperature & dewpoint

We support your business

From emergency breakdowns and planned maintenance to special projects; our specialized utilities support your business, no matter the circumstances.

Everything you need to know about Class Zero
class zero video thumbnail
Everything you need to know about Class Zero
24/7 Emergency support
rental 24/7 support
24/7 Emergency support
Breakdowns never announce themselves, that is why we are standing by around the clock. We can get your operations up and running in no time!
Breakdowns never announce themselves, that is why we are standing by around the clock. We can get your operations up and running in no time!
Breakdowns never announce themselves, that is why we are standing by around the clock. We can get your operations up and running in no time!
Agile asset management
ZT 315 VSD FF at LINDE AG, Germany. Emergency oil-free air setup for breakdown
Agile asset management
The additional utilities when YOU need them
The additional utilities when YOU need them
The additional utilities when YOU need them
Total project planning
Total project planning
Throw your challenge to us and we make it happen! Atlas Copco Specialty Rental has extensive experience on projects that are unique and require specialized solutions.
Throw your challenge to us and we make it happen! Atlas Copco Specialty Rental has extensive experience on projects that are unique and require specialized solutions.
Throw your challenge to us and we make it happen! Atlas Copco Specialty Rental has extensive experience on projects that are unique and require specialized solutions.

Electric driven oil-free air compressors for rent

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