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Green production Class 0

How to guarantee compressed air quality?

More and more companies are realizing that “going green” is not just the right thing to do but also makes sense financially. However, this often raises the question of whether switching to ecological equipment and production processes can ensure quality.        

For businesses that have to meet extremely high standards, it is a valid question. Take, for example, clean rooms in pharmaceutical production. Here, ensuring that sufficient quality is maintained is much more important than using the most environment-friendly equipment.  Green technology should only be employed if it guarantees that final products are not compromised. 

Compressed air technology: a trailblazer

Air quality in food and beverages

Quality matters greatly when it comes to clean compressed air. Because the intake air is never totally clean, and because many air compressors use oil or other lubricants, the generated compressed air may include moisture, oil and dust particles.
While this untreated air is sufficient for some compressed air applications, such as the inflation of a tire. Many others require high-quality, purer air – especially those where the compressed air is actually in contact with the final product. That means the contaminants have to be removed prior to the air’s use.
Food is a perfect example of why this is necessary. Obviously, the air quality of the compressed air for food production needs to be outstanding. It needs to prevent contaminants from getting into the end products.
That is why the industry is subject to strict quality standards, such as ISO 22000. Companies that are ISO 22000-certified have demonstrated a commitment to safe food and beverage production. From the field to the consumer’s plate.
However, contaminated air may not just harm end products but also downstream equipment. This, in turn, can lead to shorter service lives, downtimes and/or costly repairs.
To achieve a high air quality class, premium air treatment equipment is needed. An oil-free compressor is required to ensure that oil particles do not contaminate the air.  Choose oil-free compressors that are ISO 8573-1 Class 0 certified.
These Class 0 compressors produce air that is absolutely free of oil vapors, aerosols and other contaminants. An air dryer is used for eliminating moisture and filters may be installed to remove dust particles.

Can “green” equipment deliver reliable air quality?

So the question is whether “green” versions of this equipment can deliver a sufficient quantity and quality of compressed air. Or are today’s environment-friendly air compressors and dryers simply not good enough yet to get the job done?

Fortunately, green compressed air systems are far ahead of the curve compared to other type of products with regard to being able to deliver top quality. 

When greener is better?

Our variable speed drive (VSD) compressor will reliably deliver top quality air while lowering energy consumption by an average of 50%. Even better, the company’s VSD dryers are not only more energy-efficient than the previous “greenest” product on the market.

They also consistently supply class 4 purity air. That is a major difference to its fixed-speed competitors. Not only are they  less energy-efficient but they also provide compressed air that fluctuates by up to two purity classes.

Video: What is a VSD dryer?

A total commitment to air quality

Atlas Copco’s commitment to air quality goes further. We became the first compressor manufacturer to be awarded an ISO 22000 certification for our oil-free air division production facility in Antwerp, Belgium. The compressors made here are designed and assembled in a controlled, clean and safe environment. 

So, while it is true that some green products are not yet up to par compared to the products they hope to replace, this does not hold true for compressed air equipment. 

In addition to offering many other advantages, such as cost savings, they are more than able to produce sufficient quantities of extremely pure, high-quality air for any application. 

Download here our 10 steps guide to green production