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aquaculture air blower solutions

Aquaculture air blower and oxygen systems

We offer oil-free aquaculture air blower technologies and aquaculture oxygen systems that match the air demands of all your aeration and pneumatic conveying applications within the aquaculture industry. Reliable and energy-efficient blower products for sustainable production in the aquaculture industry.

A range of air blower and oxygen generation solutions

Looking for a lobe, screwturbo blower or oxygen generator for your fish farm? We offer you a comprehensive range of oil-free, Class 0 certified aquaculture air blower solutions.

Discover our complete range of blower technologies

Variable air supply

Our variable speed drive blowers (VSD) can help you save up to 35% on energy costs by automatically matching the air supply to the air flow demand of your applications. Ideal for basin aeration and aeration of fish tanks.

Compact air blowers

Space is often scarce, especially on open water farms. We offer you small and compact air blower products that are easy to service.

An aquaculture air blower for each process

From hatchery to handling: during the lifetime of your population you apply different methods to ensure the quality of your end product. A lot of the processes within the cultivation of fresh- or saltwater populations of organisms such as fish, crustaceans and mollusks are dependent on the delivery of Class 0 certified clean, oil-free air or - in case of dense populations - oxygen generators. With our range of aquaculture blower and oxygen solutions, we offer you reliable blowers and oxygen generators at a low lifecycle cost that help you guarantee the quality of your end product and support your sustainable growth.

Small and efficient blowers

Whether it's to help you guarantee the water quality, install an efficient feeding system, create a protective bubble curtain or move live organisms from one place to another, you will be dealing with several applications that require compressed air or oxygen. We offer compact blower solutions that can even be placed directly onto feeding barges or boats and ensure operational efficiency no matter the process.

On-site oxygen generator for aquaculture

Keeping a high saturation level of oxygen is key to ensure (life) quality among highly dense populations. Our energy efficient PSA oxygen generators and VSA oxygen generators for the aquaculture industry ensure you 24/7 availability of up to 95% oxygen purity and are a cost-effective alternative to liquid or bottled gas as you eliminate different overhead costs that come with the delivery of bottled and liquid industrial gasses.

Applications of air blowers and oxygen generation systems within the aquaculture industry

A large number of processes you apply to guarantee the quality of life of your population rely on the supply of compressed air or oxygen. When dealing with a variety of processes, different needs for your aquaculture air blower or compressed air system also surface.


As oxygen is a vital condition for the survival of all organisms living in water, the dissolved oxygen content of the water is one of the most important parameters of water quality. Aeration is thus a vital part of the production process on offshore and land based fish farms, in life fish storage tanks and fish ponds. The principle of aeration is not only used to maintain the right oxygen levels, it also helps to provide water circulation, thermoregulation, biological treatment, freeze protection in cold weather conditions and reduces temperature induced stress amongst stock. When dealing with a numerous amount of applications that require a continuous oxygen or air supply in the form of fine bubbles, you need a compressed air system or oxygen generator that ensures you a high uptime. We offer you variable speed drive (VSD) units that automatically match the air flow the demand, making sure no energy is wasted.

Pneumatic conveying - feeding systems

Aside from excellent water quality you also need an effective way to feed your population and hatcheries with feeding pellets in various sizes or powder. This is often done via a pneumatic conveying system that contains blowers to provide your system with compressed air. The blowers can be installed either inside a fish barge (for farms on open water) or as part of a stationary feeding system (for land based farms). And although the size of your blower installation depends on the type of feeding pellets and the length of the feeding lines, a compact solution - especially in fish barges used on offshore farms- is a must. As we offer a wide range of blowers suited for different pressures and flows, you are sure to find a perfect fit within our air blower portfolio for whichever type of nutrient (from powder to pellets) you are dealing with.

Bubble curtains

Bubble curtains are mainly used on farms on open water and seas as a sustainable way to protect your population from different outside influences. A bubble curtain creates a barrier around pens via a constant stream of bubbles, preventing jellyfish and sea lice from passing through as they have a significantly negative impact on the health of your population. To create a bubble curtain, you need a compressed air solution with a high process uptime that can support the continuous demand for air. Our air blower technologies ensure you high uptime and reliability, making sure you can focus on what really matters: the quality of your final product.

Live fish handling

A pressure system for loading and unloading live fish is a more gentle and efficient way of transporting live fish and can be used in different lifecycles of the fish: it helps you to minimize handling time and increase the welfare of your population. At farms on open water, a compact air installation can be directly placed on the boat. The oil-free air from our blowers will add to the benefits of using a gentler and time reducing transportation system by minimizing the risk of oil contamination of the water and surrounding, helping you to comply with regulations. On top of that, our compact air blower solutions are an ideal fit if you are looking to save space when working in confined spaces such as boats.

Dead fish removal

Dead fish can form a health threat to your population and decrease your operational efficiency so it's important that they are removed as soon as possible. A rapid and constant stream of bubbles inside a special collector at the bottom of a cage can help you bring dead fish up and onto your boat. We offer you robust and compact solutions that can even be placed directly onto a boat or barge and can be monitored from a distance by using SMARTLINK technology.

Aquaculture air blower and oxygen systems

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