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‘You can really go far here’ Janet Ryan: 30 Years at Atlas Copco Ireland

This year, Janet Ryan celebrated 30 years at Atlas Copco Ireland in the Service Department of the Compression Technique division.

Tell us about your role and what you do on a day-to-day basis at Atlas Copco Compression Techniques.

I work in Services of the Compression Technique division and have done since I started at Atlas Copco. At the minute, the biggest part of my job would be planning and scheduling engineers and all that that entails. This includes creating jobs for them and sending out method statements, creating and maintaining service contracts etc.

Janet Ryan

Sum up 30 years at Atlas Copco Compression Techniques in 3 words.


Janet Ryan

Things will have changed over the past 30 years. What’s stayed the same?

I’d say one thing that has stayed the same is a lot of the people. People do tend to stay at Atlas Copco and accommodate themselves to the new skills that are required as time goes on.

Janet Ryan

Why do you think people stay at Atlas Copco?

The opportunities that Atlas Copco give to you when you come in from college or postgraduate education are huge. If you want to move and work abroad the opportunities are endless. The manager that originally hired me at the start is now the Business Area President Power Technique of Atlas Copco! You can really go far here.

Janet Ryan
Service Van
