Industrial rental solutions for every application in the Oil & Gas industry

The equipment you need for complete oil field services

Our fleet of industrial rental compressors, generators and complementary equipment covers every application whether you are looking for solutions in the upstream, midstream or downstream sector.

With roots in early drilling technology and decades of experience and R&D, we can guarantee you reliable, safe and cost-effective equipment and services dedicated to Oil & Gas applications.

Safety and reliability built-in

We have extensive experience with all relevant international standards.

Our equipment is designed, manufactured and tested to comply with ISO-1217 regulations; our machinery is built with API specifications in mind. We can include DNV crashframes for offshore deployment, corrosion-proof products for marine environments as well as ATEX-certified compressors operating in offshore areas.

Moreover, our 100% oil free compressors prevent traces of oil causing a flammable situation and help avoid a platform shutdown or -worse- evacuation. By applying oil free air, you increase uptime, avoid contamination and faulty readings and assure trouble-free equipment operation.

Our state-of-the-art control and monitoring systems ensure optimum performance. Internet, satellite or mobile networks make field follow-up easier.

Specialty Rental utility services for the Oil & Gas industry

How we support the Oil & Gas industry

Industrial rental solutions for every application in the Oil & Gas industry

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