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¿Ha llegado el momento de calibrar?

Garantice la calidad y reduzca los defectos mediante la calibración de herramientas y la calibración acreditada para control de calidad.​
calibración y comprobación de herramientas, metrología, prueba de capacidad de la máquina

Atlas Copco Customer Center Synatec GmbH a company within Atlas Copco

Synatec GmbH - a company within Atlas Copco

Synatec GmbH has been playing a vital role in the group’s error proofing strategy since it’s acquisition in October 2013. As a product company within ITBA’s MVI division we develop and produce software solutions for operator guidance, plant monitoring, data collection & analysis and industrial panel PCs. Based on our comprehensive technology toolbox we are offering both, customized solutions as well as standard products. Our team is distinguished by it’s high level of expertise in supporting our international MVI and GI customers when defining and implementing solutions for new assembly lines. Our main mission is to facilitate our customers’ zero defect strategy.

Synatec Company

Brühlhofstr 4
70771 germany

Centro de Clientes