VZLU rents oil-free air and succeeds in finishing jet engine test project in time
25. august 2016
Antwerp, Belgium, August 25, 2016 – When the main turbo compressor of VZLU, the national center for research, development and testing in aerospace in Czech Republic, broke down, they needed a fast solution to finish their jet engine testing project in time. One phone call later Atlas Copco Rental had taken action. A PTS 1600 oil-free rental compressor was already on its way.
Fast solution under specific conditions
We had specific conditions for our jet engine test project. The compressor had to be weather-proof, mobile and diesel driven. The output air had to be 100% oil-free, at a flow of 15 to 30 m³, a pressure of 6 bar and a temperature of 50°C. And we needed it fast. Luckily we got in touch with Atlas Copco Rental. Only they can deliver under such conditions.
Extra air for testing
Our newest PTS 800 compressor delivers 100% oil-free air conform ISO 8573-1, giving you no risk of contaminating your process, material or end product. He is equipped with a Stage 4 / Tier IV diesel engine for optimal efficiency regarding fuel consumption, with minimum emissions conform recent legislation.
The PTS 800 is compact and light weight for easy transport and installation. It is equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher and has connections for an external fuel tank, is compatible with our new dryers and employable for hot and cold air applications.
For mer informasjon kan du kontakte:
- Inge Craninckx, Marketing Manager inge.craninckx@be.atlascopco.com
Atlas Copco er en verdensledende leverandør av bærekraftige produktivitetsfremmende løsninger. Gruppen leverer innovative kompressorer, vakuumløsninger og luftbehandlingssystemer, anleggs- og gruveutstyr, elektriske verktøy samt monteringssystemer. Atlas Copco utvikler produkter og tjenester som fokuserer på produktivitet, energieffektivitet, sikkerhet og ergonomi. Selskapet, som ble grunnlagt i 1873, har hovedkontor i Stockholm og driver virksomhet i mer enn 180 land. I 2015 hadde Atlas Copco en omsetning på 102 milliarder svenske kroner (11 milliarder euro) og mer enn 43 000 ansatte. Finn ut mer på www.atlascopcogroup.com.
Specialty Rental er en divisjon som tilhører Atlas Copcos forretningsområde Construction Technique. Den leverer også tjenester til industrisegmenter over hele verden i form av midlertidig leie av løsninger for luft og strøm. De spesielle utleietjenestene tilbys under flere varemerker. Enhetens hovedkontor ligger i Houston i USA.