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Customer Service

Do you need a manual, quick question or looking for customer support? Click here for support or call numbers below for immediate help.

Get a Quote

Connect with our sales team to get a quote for a product, service or just to chat about your project.

Dealer Service Centers

Dealers can request service from our Atlas Copco Service Centers. Get help from the manufacturing experts!

Product Manuals and Information

Use Power Connect to enter your serial number to find the right manual for your Atlas Copco products. If you're on mobile, download the Power Connect app and scan the barcode on your machine.

Become a Dealer

Looking to rent or sell Atlas Copco equipment? Connect with a local rep to see how you can become a dealer today!

Get a Demo

Connect with our sales team to get a demo for a product or just to chat about your project.

Rent - Find a Dealer

Find the nearest Atlas Copco dealer for your rental, parts, service and purchase needs today!

Find Spare Parts

Use our parts lookup system online to get your parts list together. After you get your list, find a dealer to help supply the parts!

Contact Atlas Copco Power Technique locations in Canada

Atlas Copco Power Technique Canadian head office in Mississauga is home to our Customer Centre, administrative functions, as well as local logistics and workshop facilities.

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