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Time to calibrate?

Secure your quality and reduce defects through Tool Calibration and Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration.​
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Are you prepared for your next calibration audit?

Atlas Copco is ready to help with our simple audit preparation plan to ensure your tools and calibration documents are ready for any auditor

Are your calibrations up to date? Do you have current certificates for all your tools? Audits are an important method for verifying that your quality processes are being followed, protecting your operations, and ensuring your critical equipment are always production capable. While audits can be very stressful, Atlas Copco has a proven plan to help you prepare and eliminate the risk of tools out of calibration. 


The best way to reduce audit panic is to implement a trustworthy tool management system that is easy for your team to use. Atlas Copco’s tool calibration services, coupled with our secure Azure Cloud asset management database and our user friendly interface, provides a comprehensive solution to track and quickly access all your tool calibration information.  


We offer a full program of calibration audit services, including online record management for your tool calibration certificates, a notification system to inform you when tools are coming due for calibration, and a knowledgeable team of calibration experts available to support you before and during your audit. Read on to learn about our services, and discover how you will save time and headaches preparing for your next audit.  

Accredited Quality Assurance Calibration

Calibration audit checklist:

1. Prepare and maintain a list of all traceable tools used in production

       • What new tools/processes have been added/changed since the last audit?    

       • Check all new tools were received with a valid calibration certificate performed to your requirements (ISO 17025 of OEM Factory)

2. Verify you have up-to-date calibration certificates for all your tools 

       • Schedule calibration for tools with missing or outdated records 1 month prior to your audit

      • Atlas Copco service customers can easily find certificates for all tools online using wheresmytool.com3. Check that your calibration certificates meet your quality standards

3. Check calibration certificates meet your quality standards

       • The serial number on the certificate must match the tool

       • “As found” condition of the tool indicated on certificate

              - In-Tolerance, Out-of-Tolerance, Not Available     

       • "As Left" result is within your tolerance requirements

       • Reference devices indicated on certificate

       • Calibration vendor is certified to perform necessary service

              - ISO 17025 Accredited vs OEM Factory Standards

4. Verify each tool has a legible current calibration sticker

       • Stickers must have last calibration date and calibration value

        • Reprint missing stickers and install them on the tools 

5. Review your ongoing tool calibration plan and schedule regular calibration events throughout the year or choose a partner to manage your tools

       • Calibration plans are best managed periodically through the year to ensure you capture all tools and eliminate the pressure of rushing before an audit

       • Atlas Copco offers complete tool service plans to manage preventative maintenance and calibration activities in a fixed price monthly agreement

Atlas Copco offers comprehensive calibration solutions

Tool calibrations

When it’s time to calibrate your tools, whom you choose to perform the calibration work can make all the difference. Some vendors will simply test your tool against another device and return it with an OK sticker.


How do you know your tool was verified against a traceable reference standard? Was the test performed to ISO 5393 SPC protocols ensuring optimum quantity of results using reference devices that meet minimum controls for measurement uncertainty? Are “As Found” tests performed? What is your expected response protocol if tool is found out of tolerance? Is your calibration vendor capable of adjusting calibration factors to optimize tool performance?


 Atlas Copco is different in that we perform ‘As Found’ tests on all tools and will alert you immediately if the tool is out of tolerance. This gives you the opportunity to protect your production and implement corrective actions before the next calibration date.  Atlas Copco uses the highest accuracy reference devices traceable to NIST standards with a minimum 4:1 ratio of reference device accuracy to device under test. 


Our standard capability test includes 25 results for full SPC compliance.  Furthermore, Atlas Copco can support your containment reaction plan should we identify a tool as out of tolerance including onsite consultation with our tightening experts to discuss the implications for your production. For more information on tool calibrations check out this helpful reference material:

Calibration FAQ Videos

Calibration operator and Tool Service App

It is essential to maintain records of your calibration documents and be able to access them quickly when asked by an auditor or when needed for troubleshooting quality issues. Accessing your tool calibration certificates is easy with Atlas Copco’s Azure cloud database customized for tool maintenance and calibration management. Records are quickly accessed through the website or our Tool Service App on your phone.


Every Atlas Copco calibration sticker includes a 2D barcode with direct reference to the latest certificate in the database.  You can search for tools by your internal ID reference or by the tool serial number.  The database can also be used to track tool locations on your production line maintaining a full history of tool usage and tool performance by production process.

To sum it up

There is a lot to consider when preparing for your next calibration audit. Maintaining up to date calibrations records for all your tools and finding the documents when you need them is just the beginning.   Having a containment plan for when tools are found out of tolerance is just as important, but it can also be overwhelming.  That’s why Atlas Copco aims to simplify the process for you.


Atlas Copco has the expertise to ensure you are always prepared for your tool audit. We offer comprehensive service solutions including start-up commissioning support, proactive tool maintenance plans and complete tool calibration services to keep your tool running in optimum condition


Our ToolCover service level agreement includes:

  • Access to an online tool database for all tool records through
  • Factory or accredited calibration services
  • On-site tool service with the CALIVAN
  • Scheduled tool maintenance and calibration events
  • Web-enabled dashboards for a quick reference of calibration status


Contact Atlas Copco to learn more about how we can help you eliminate the stress of preparing for your next calibration audit!

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Are you prepared for your next calibration audit?

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