Atlas Copco Indonesia “Safety Day” 2017
One fine day to celebrate Safety Day 2017 in AC Indonesia – This year theme is Healthy food, Healthy You ... We held the event on April 27th 2017 in our office area. We tried to encourage employee to be more concerned and took this moment as the best practice to consume healthy food & beverages, which certainly will affect the performance on our body. Today, All food & beverages provided were made from vegetables & fruits. We invited expert chef specialized in healthy food and healthy beverages to share his knowledge about clean food, and followed with cooking demo and how to choose the materials : vegetables & fruits and How to cook healthy food & beverages itself. More than 100 employee attended this event, and surprisingly they loved the food so much!
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." ~Mark Twain