Customer Day Karawang 2019
Compressor Technique and Industrial Tools & Solutions Atlas Copco Indonesia held a "Customer Day" in the City of Karawang
There is something different with the customer day event that we are holding this time, because the Atlas Copco Indonesia Compressor Technique division will collaborate with the Industrial Tools and Solution division to showcase their reliable products. On this occasion we displayed products that were divided into 9 booths. Among them for the Oil Free Air (OFA) Division, we featured 2 booths, a Centrifugal booth and a Screw and Low Pressure booth. For the Compressor Technique Service (CTS) and Marketing Division we feature 2 booths, AIRNET and AIRSCAN. For the CTS Operation Division 1 booth. For the Industrial Air Technique (IAT) Division we feature 2 booths, VSD + and On Site Gas Generator. And finally for the Atlas Copco Tools & Assembly (ACTA) we feature 2 booths, Smart Connected Assembly and Data Driven Service.
This event lasted approximately 7 hours. Starting from 10 am to 5 pm. In the middle of the event we held a coffee break with those present. And at the end of the event we distributed some door prizes and signs of love to the customers who came, also we did not forget to capture photos together. With this event we hope to provide the best solutions and services for them. And we will continue to hold customer day events in several regions to reach all our customers. Thank you for those who have come. See you on the next Customer Day!