Click the link below to find all recommended spare parts (like filter and service kits) as well as fluids & lubricants for your compressor’s maintenance and repairs.
Want to buy Spare Parts? Go to Shop Online – or request an account if you’re ordering for the first time.
Diesel Driven Portable Compressors
Spare Parts for XAS, XATS, XAVS, XAHS, Drillair, Boosters and Utility compressors
Small, Medium and Large Air
High pressure boosters and dryers
Diesel driven compressors
Electric Portable Compressors
Electric Portable Compressors
Spare Parts for E-Air Compressors
Small, Medium and Large Air
Need the complete manual of your compressor?
Scan the QR code on your machine, and go to the Power Connect Portal to find all the information about your machine. The QR code is located in the data plate on your compressor.
Click here to learn more