10 pasos para una producción ecológica y más eficiente

Reducción de la huella de carbono para una producción ecológica: todo lo que necesita saber
10 pasos para la producción ecológica de aire comprimido

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre su proceso de transporte neumático

Descubra cómo puede crear un proceso de transporte neumático más eficiente.
3D images of blowers in cement plant
Marine Air Compressor

Robust marine solutions

For all your marine and offshore applications, no matter how tough the conditions, you can rely on highly energy-efficient and solid compressed air solutions.


Our marine solutions bring together Atlas Copco's state-of-the-art equipment and our decades of experience in the marine business. Our products are designed, tested and certified to weather through the roughest conditions. We always find a solution to match your exact needs. We know our ropes


Confidently face the elements, knowing our equipment will not let you down and will not cost you an arm and a leg. Whatever your budget, we find a fitting solution, with the lowest cost of ownership


Find our support in every port. We are present in more than a hundred countries, with a condensed dealer network and an extensive service offer. We can have all hands on deck in no time, ensuring you keep running full steam. Where you are, we are - your trusted partner

Our Marine experience...

We provide solutions for multiple Marine Applications

We are available everywhere, see more

Complete air set-ups and compressors for ships and on deck

Get all you need from one supplier. Whether standard or custom, you’ll find we offer end-to-end compressed air solutions for every offshore and marine application, including compressors and set-ups in ships and on deck. This covers both custom equipment and all standard air needs in marine operations:

  • starting air compressors
  • working, control, instrument air
  • Depósitos de aire
  • Portable Air
  • gas & process solutions
  • nitrogen - air treatment
  • Compresores de alta presión
  • compressed air tools