
Privacy Policy

Atlas Copco Australia Group Privacy Policy This document is the Atlas Copco Australian Group Privacy Policy. It applies to subsidiaries of Atlas Copco AB (a Swedish company) that operate in Australia. Those subsidiaries include: • Atlas Copco Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 620 125 153) ( “we”). This policy sets out how we handle your personal information (“information”) as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). It also sets out how we handle credit information about you and contains our credit reporting policy. The kinds of personal information we collect and hold Depending on the circumstances, we may collect the following types of information about you: • information that identifies you such as your name, contact details (such as address, email, phone number), employer, occupation; • financial information such as credit card or bank account numbers; • health information; • location information such as recording that you have visited one of our sites; • information we are required by law to collect such as following an occupational health and safety incident. We may also collect credit information about you, this information may include: • information that identifies you such as your name, contact details, date of birth and driver’s licence number; • the type and amount of credit you have applied for in your credit application; • a record of whether or not you have made monthly credit payments and when they were made; • a record of your credit payments being overdue; • if payments were overdue and you paid the amount, a record that the payment was made; • an Australian court judgment about your credit or a record relating to your bankruptcy or your entry into a debt agreement or personal insolvency agreement; • a record in relation to your activities in Australia and your credit worthiness; • a record of when a credit provider reasonably believes that there has been a serious credit infringement relating to your consumer credit; • a record of a credit provider asking a credit reporting body for information in relation to a credit application, including the type and amount of credit applied for; • information about your credit such as the name of the credit provider, the type of credit, the day on which the credit was entered into and terminated, the maximum amount of credit available; • if a credit provider gave a credit reporting body default information about you and your consumer credit contract is varied or replaced, a statement about this. • When credit information is obtained from a credit reporting body or we derive information from it, it is known as credit eligibility information. This includes our summaries of what credit reporting bodies tell us and our credit score for you. How we collect your information We generally collect information directly from you. This occurs when you fill in a form including webforms, email us, complete an agreement with us, contact us with a query, submit to testing by us, use our equipment or attend our sites. Sometimes we may collect information about you from other sources such as from publicly available information about you. We may also collect information from you online if you access our website. Our website contains a legal notice specifying the kinds of information that may be collected if you visit our website. We may collect credit information about you from a credit reporting body, any person you appoint as your representative or to act on your behalf (such as your lawyer or auditor) or any person you appoint as a referee (such as a current or former employer or trade referee) or your guarantor or prospective guarantor. How we hold information about you We store your information in hard copy or electronic format, in facilities that we own or operate or that are owned and operated by our service providers. We take reasonable steps to maintain the security of your information and to protect it from unauthorized disclosures. Why we collect and hold and use information about you We collect, hold and use information about you to enable us to provide you with our products and services. We also collect information about you to enable you to access our sites and equipment and the sites and equipment of our customers or the sites and equipment of third parties who use or products and services. We also use your information as required by law. We may use your information to conduct direct marketing so that we can promote and market our products and services to you. We may conduct such marketing using electronic means. You can opt-out of receiving such marketing by contacting us. We do not sell your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. We may use your credit information and credit eligibility information to assess whether to provide you with credit, continue to provide you with credit, assess whether to require or accept a guarantor or the risk of a guarantor not being able to meet their obligations and to consider hardship requests. If you do not provide us with certain requested information then we may not be able to provide you with the products and services you have requested, or provide you with access to our sites and equipment or those of our customers or other third parties. When we disclose your information We may disclose your information for any purpose for which you have given your consent. We may also disclose your information to any person you appoint as your representative or to act on your behalf (such as your lawyer, administrator, auditor) or any person you appoint as a referee (such as a current or former employer) or to your guarantor or prospective guarantor as appropriate for the purpose for which they were appointed. We may disclose your information to Atlas Copco AB and its subsidiaries for the purpose of us providing to you our products and services. We may disclose your information, including credit information, to third parties who provide services to us, that assist us in providing our products and services to you. These services and third parties include: • information technology services; • human resources services; • agency services where a third party sells products or services on our behalf; • medical professionals, medical facilities or health authorities who assist us with the health information we collect; • financial institutions and organisations that assist us with payments; • government or regulatory bodies as required by law; • organisations involved in debt collecting, including purchasers of debt; • insurers, re-insurers, claim assessors, valuers and investigators; • service providers who assist us with other internal administrative functions such as training staff; developing and marketing products and services; risk management; planning, research and statistical analysis, providing legal advice, auditing or other professional services; • organisations that assist us with the re-organisation or transfer of assets or business; • mailing houses and agencies who assist us communicate with you. We may also disclose your information in preventing or investigating any fraud or crime, or any suspected fraud or crime, as required by law, regulation or any binding codes. We may disclose information about you to a credit reporting body if you have applied for credit from us, are receiving credit from us or if you are acting or considering acting as a guarantor for the obligations of another person to us (but not if you are not at least 18 years old). That information may be included in reports that the credit reporting body gives other organisations such as other credit providers to enable them to assess your credit worthiness. Some of the people to whom we disclose your information may be located outside of Australia. Some of the systems that we use and/or that of our service providers, such as credit reporting bodies, are cloud based or networked storage systems that can be accessed from various countries. We may not be aware of all these countries and these countries may not be listed below. The countries where your information may be stored or used include Belgium, the Czech Republic, Canada, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Vietnam. In addition, in particular circumstances, your information may be transferred to a subsidiary of Atlas Copco AB located in an overseas country. Information located in an overseas country may be disclosed according to a foreign law. How you can access your information You can contact us to access any of your information that we hold or if you would like to correct your information. We will respond to your request for access within a reasonable period after the request is made and in the manner you request if it is reasonable and practicable. We may charge a small administrative fee to provide access to your personal information in response to a request. We may not provide you with access to the information you requested where: • we reasonably believe that doing so would pose a serious threat to life, health or safety; • there would be an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals; • the request is frivolous or vexatious; • the information would not ordinarily be available in the course of legal proceedings; • it would prejudice negotiations with you; • it would be unlawful; • it would prejudice taking action against serious misconduct by you; • it would prejudice enforcement action by an enforcement body; • it would harm the confidentiality of our information in a commercially sensitive decision-making process. If you request access to credit eligibility information we must provide you access to the information within 30 days (except for unusual circumstances), make the information clear and accessible and ask you to check with credit reporting bodies what information they hold about you (to ensure it is accurate and up to date). We are not required to give you access to this information if it would be unlawful or would be likely to harm the activities of a law enforcement body. We can restrict what we give you if it would harm the confidentiality of our commercial information. If we refuse to give you access to any of your credit eligibility information we will tell you why in writing. If you still have concerns, you can make a complaint. How you can correct your information You can contact us to seek to correct information that we hold about you where that information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. We will take reasonable steps to correct the information we hold and information held by any third party to whom we disclosed the information. We will let you know in writing if we are unable to correct any information following a request by you. If you contact us to correct your credit information or credit eligibility information we will give you notice of our decision to accept or reject your request within 5 business days of our making the decision. If we accept your request we will correct the information within 30 days from your request. We will also give details of the correction within 7 business days of the correction to the relevant credit reporting body, any persons we consulted about the correction, any person who received the information from us in the last three months and anyone you advise us must be told. Contact and complaints If you wish to contact us in relation to your information or you wish to make a complaint in relation to your information and our application of the Australian Privacy Principles, you may do so by contacting us in writing at: The Privacy Officer Atlas Copco 3 Bessemer Street Blacktown NSW 2148 Australia Email: If your complaint is in relation to the access or correction of credit information or credit eligibility information or if, in relation to this kind of information, we have not dealt with your correction request or complaint within 30 days, you can raise your concern with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Address: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 Email: Online: Phone: 1300 363 992 Dun & Bradstreet is the credit reporting body that we use to collect, hold and use credit information and derive credit eligibility information. Dun & Bradstreet Australia Address: Public Access Centre, Dun & Bradstreet, PO Box 7405, St Kilda Rd, Vic 2004 Email: Online: Phone: 1300 734 806 Updating this policy This policy is effective as at 1 August 2015. We may need to change this policy from time to time. If we do so we will post the updated version on our website and it will apply to your information held by us at that time.