Air compressor rental for all applications and industries

Industrial air compressors for emergency air or planned maintenance
Sunil Natekar - Atlas Copco Rental India

Sunil Natekar

Business Line Manager - Specialty Rental

For short- or long-term demands, for planned contingencies or unexpected emergencies: you can rely on our compressors for an efficient industrial air supply - exactly how and when you need it. Our engineers design the most suitable temporary installation. A fast set-up and a cost- and energy-effective approach are part of the total package, all completely tailored to your specific application.

For all pressure levels and flows

Electric- or diesel-driven, our wide range of compressors, air hoses, dryers, receivers, collectors... guarantees a top quality air supply at any pressure level and flow:

  • Low pressure: up to 4 bar compressor set-ups for process air, aeration systems, pneumatic conveying... 
  • Medium pressure: 4 to 12 bar compressors for piping, refining, textile and paper industry... 
  • High pressure: 13+ bar compressors for onshore, drilling, mining, construction...

Cost-effective compressed air

Delivered by mobile and containerized units for all applications! Our compressor units guarantee a highly reliable supply of high quality air, exactly tailored to your needs.

100% oil-free air, ISO-certified: Class zero

Our wide range of oil-free compressors supplies 100% oil-free air for all critical applications. Our Class Zero equipment is ISO-certified - an industry first.

Oil-free air has plenty of advantages: it eliminates the risk of air contamination in your end-product, it reduces the operating cost of compressed air in your business and lowers your maintenance costs.

24/7 premium service for optimal efficiency

  • Compressors for every sector including all industrial applications 
  • Professional equipment 
  • Express delivery, smart logistics & international experience 
  • Efficient all-in approach from design to delivery, training, on-site maintenance and collection 
  • The right compressors for your business: our service engineers design the matching set-up with you with eye for energy-efficiency

What can we do for you?

What can we do for you?

Check out our many capabilities!

Check out our complete fleet
Check out our complete fleet
100% oil-free or oil injected, we have the right product for you!
100% oil-free or oil injected, we have the right product for you!
A worldwide player
A worldwide player
Present around the globe
Present around the globe
Linder customer testimonial

Linde project, customer testimonial

Testimonial from Atlas Copco India customer - Linde - September 2016

Do you have a plan in place for emergency situations?
Do you have a plan in place for emergency situations?
Maybe time to consider one out! CHeck out how we can help you...
Maybe time to consider one out! CHeck out how we can help you...
Want to control your expenses?
Want to control your expenses?
How about long term rental?
How about long term rental?

Air compressor rental for all applications and industries

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