10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Everything you need to know about your pneumatic conveying process

Discover how you can create a more efficient pneumatic conveying process.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

U služni potreba gasne i procesne industrije

Mnogi naši kompresori su napravljeni prema API specifikacijama

Bez obzira da li radite u oblasti hemijske petrohemije do tečnog prirodnog gasa (LNG), srednjeg toka i đubriva, velike su šanse da će se vaša industrija ili primena u velikoj meri oslanjati na maksimalnu efikasnost i pouzdanost rotacione opreme kojom raspolažete. I, mora ispunjavati najstrože međunarodne propise, kao što su API standardi. Posvećen zadovoljavanju potreba industrije gasa i procesnog gasa, Atlas Copco pravi za vas turbokompresore i turboekspandere integralno nazubljene kako bi bili u skladu sa tim standardima.

API kodovi koji se odnose na naše proizvode

  • API 617 gasni kompresori
  • API 672 vazdušni kompresori
  • API 613 zupčanici
  • API 614 sistemi ulja za podmazivanje
  • API 692 (novi kod) zaptivke vratila
  • API 691 (novi kod) upravljanje mašinama na osnovu rizika
  • API 689 (novi kod) analiza prikupljanja i razmena
  • API 671 spojnice

U stvari, naše znanje pomaže u postavljanju industrijskih standarda, a naši inženjeri učestvuju u razvoju API 617, 7. izdanja, kao i API 672, 4. izdanja. Štaviše, pravimo i kompresore i ekspandere koji ispunjavaju i ASME i DIN standarde.

Prilagođavanje vaše opreme za API usklađenost

Možemo da prilagodimo vaše centrifugalne gasne kompresore i turboekspandere da:

  • odgovaraju rigoroznim standardima koje postavlja API
  • budu usklađeni sa zakonskim i regulatornim zahtevima
  • pomognu u povećanju efikasnosti opreme unutar vašeg procesa
  • povećaju bezbednost vaših operacija

Pored toga, imamo ogromno iskustvo u rukovanju i izvršavanju naloga koji uključuju sprovođenje izmena akata koje vrši API glavnim igračima kao što su: Shell, Petronas, EkkonMobile, Reliance.

Air compressors Marine Expanders Process industry Chemical & petrochemical Oil & gas

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