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New filters and carbon towers

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Antwerp, Belgium. April 3 2019 | With the release of new filters and carbon towers, now already available, Atlas Copco sets a new standard in risk prevention, availability and pricing for air compressors and air treatment systems.

Marine standards

The two new 16 Bar (232psi) aluminum twin filter models named 850T and 1100T are immediately available at a competitive, lower price. They can be used in every application in any industry around the world – even in marine environments. Building on the existing aluminum filter line up to 2000Nm³/h, they offer high flow filtration solutions of respectively 3000 Nm³/h and 4000Nm³/h at reference conditions of 7 Bar (100psi). The new filters are ISO12500-1 verified and available in stock at the most competitive prices. This includes the patented UD grade oil coalescing filters which replace two traditional 1 micron and 0.1 micron coalescing filters by one single filter giving the same filtration rate at 40% less pressure drop.

Optimal risk prevention control

The existing QDT carbon tower range is expanded with 5 new 16 Bar (232psi) fabricated vessels filled with activated carbon models QDT425 to QDT1800. The combination of the QDT activated carbon towers and the new twin filter UD+ type pre-filter and PDp type post filter offers optimal control to prevent the risk of oil and dust contamination. Combined with GA oil-flooded compressors, it guarantees ISO8573-2010 class 1 0.01mg/m³ oil content and class 1 particle content – which makes it a reliable alternative next to our Class 0 compressor portfolio which still offers the highest security standards at zero risk. With service intervals of either 8000 or 12000 hours and suitable for flows between 1500 and 6500 Nm³/h, the QDT range now matches the entire compressor range up to 750 kW (900 hp).

Product information and pictures

Both new filtration products are already available. More information can be found on https://www.atlascopco.com/nl-be/compressors/products/air_filters

Pictures can be downloaded here QDT carbon towers | Twin filters

Filters Compressor Technique Air and gas treatment