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Five Tips for Preparing a Compressor for Summer

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The thermal dynamics of seasonal change are no different regardless of what month is showing on the calendar. The same principles always apply – conditioned air inside a building should remain separate and insulated from the unconditioned air outside a building. In winter, we keep warm air in; in summer, when the mercury spikes, the cool air stays inside. That’s why many energy efficiency experts suggest preparing for seasonal change twice a year, calling this weatherization, and instead of winterization.

summer heat

That’s why it’s important to prepare your industrial air compressor to ensure it will be able to handle the heat when the mercury climbs. To help, the engineers at Atlas Copco Compressors have developed the Top Five Essential Tips to help get a compressed air system ready for all the heat summer has to dish out.

1. Check Drains

Higher humidity in the summer causes more condensate to come out of drains. Be sure drains are in perfect working order so they can handle the extra flows.

2. Clean Coolers

Blocked or clogged coolers can cause an air compressor to overheat on hot summer days. Get a jump on this by making sure coolers are clean before the heat hits.

3. Clean Air and Oil Filters

A compressor will run cooler, and on less energy, if the air filters are clean (just like your car or truck). Dirty filters lead to pressure drops, which the compressor must then accommodate for through higher run levels.

4. Check Ventilation

Just like with air filters and oil filters, check and adjust your compressor room so that there is sufficient air flow.

5. Adjust Water Cooling Systems

With water-cooled compressors, adjust the temperature of water entering the compressor to ensure that it is cool enough for summer conditions.

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Five Tips for Preparing a Compressor for Summer

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