
Atlas Copco Egypt celebrating the Swedish National Day

Swedish National Day article - Jack Photo

Innovation for the future

In June 2019, The Swedish Embassy in Egypt held a reception to celebrate Sweden’s National day emphasizing warm relations between Egypt and Sweden.The celebration was with 2,000 invitees and representatives from more than 20 Swedish companies operating in Egypt. Jack Zureikat – General Manager of Atlas Copco Egypt marked the day by highlighting Atlas Copco Innovation- thru the press released in commerating the Swedish day- about the current revolutionizing term within manufacturing, "industry 4.0" which is taking over the way we look at manufacturing in terms of production optimization and automation. and how Atlas Copco new generation of products converts the customer's facility into a dynamic smart factory driven and overseen by the latest technology within remote monitoring and control systems, they contribute to significantly increased efficiency, considerable energy savings alongside Pro-active problem solving.

Atlas Copco presence

Swedish national day group photo
Atlas Copco Egypt was celebrating Sweden’s National Day at Embassy of Sweden in Zamalek with the theme of highlighting values and innovations,and to express how Atlas Copco always provide smart solutions within our compressed air products, as well as air treatment. The day was about celebrating the strong Swedish-Egyptian ties that already exist, as well as looking towards the future and how we can further deepen our relations. Multinational Swedish companies presented their latest innovations, products and services at the reception. This day has several advantages including greater opportunities for market growth and diversification as the international exposure always improve innovation and build a strong brand awareness among the customers & other competitors.

Global goals

The Swedish national day was not only political or diplomatic day that aim to highlight only a national occasion, it was also focusing on and supporting social goals which fit Atlas Copco concepts and beliefs for the society The Swedish Ambassador of Egypt - as a part of his speech during this day- spoke about how should we all support the global goals , like Gender Equality , Clean Water and Sanitation , Peace Justice and strong institutions for sustainable development.

2019 Tag of displayed articles Egypt Events