Empowerment Women

Empowerment Women

Woman Empowerment Program in Atlas Copco Egypt

At Atlas Copco Egypt, we are committed to upskilling and reskilling our employees with the most significant skills to meet the demands of the workplace. We are very excited to announce that our ladies attended  the women Empowerment Program  in collaboration with "Brainquil"  which was not just a training program, but rather an actionable learning journey designed to extract talents & potential that promotes empowerment from within.

Empowerment program Journey 

Atlas Copco believe that learning is a journey, the most valuable learning journey is the one that results in change of behavior.
This program is dedicated to equipping women in their careers with skills and tools to be empowered, assume control and enhance their leadership skillset that the Organizations with strong learning cultures tend to significantly outperform their peers in terms of employee productivity, competitive advantages, and high-quality products.

Women empowerment program modules included:

  • Gallup Strengths Finder.
  • Self Deep Dive .
  • Coaching Fundmentals/ Group Coaching.
  • Getting things done (GTD)

The StrengthsFinder assessment is a personal development tool developed by Gallup Education - Our ladies took this test  before starting the training sessions. With this pre-assesment, they explored their “Top 5” strengths.


Self deep Dive

Self Deep Dive  After they done the clifton strengths assesment they gained a deep understanding of their blind spots.
Learnt how to overcome the blind spots by using a combination of strengths and how to utilize their other prersonal traits in dealing with different situations.

Coaching Group

Developing Others Through Coaching:

The coaching moudule helped our females to  know the methodology/ techniques of coaching peers &  subordinates  and helped them to understand better how to build the coaching agenda by giviing them the ability to see strengths and weaknesses in others and provide encouragement to change behaviours in order to enhance performance.

One of the most engaging workshops implemented was an  interviewing an actual coach - which was a very fulfilling experience in the learning process.


Getting Things Done: 

 GTD® is the The Art of Stress-free Productivity as it gives the power of clearing people's mind, sharpening their focus, and accomplishing more with ease and elegance.

The GTD method rests on the idea of moving all items of interest, relevant information, issues, tasks and projects out of one's mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items with known time limits.

By the end of this training module, our ladies learnt

  1. Capture Everything: Capture anything that crosses their minds
  2. Clarify: Process what you've captured into clear and concrete action steps. 
  3. Organize: Put everything into the right place. 
  4. Review: Frequently look over, update, and revise their lists.
  5. Engage: Get to work on the important stuff.


So our ladies became fully ready to take their inpower to the next level in their businesses and personal lives

Interaction is one of our favourite core values at Atlas Copco Egypt; and when the interaction is elevated to a structured, but fun, training program, it is even more impactful and transformational


Here are some glimpses from Women Empowerent Training as they go through a comprehensive, fun and engaging program

Deep Thinking
Deep thinking
Deep Thinking
Positive Vibes
Good vibes
Positive Vibes
Brain Storming

Empowerment Women

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