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About Atlas Copco In Singapore

Atlas Copco in Singapore

Atlas Copco in Singapore handles the sales and service of industrial gas and air compressors, dryers and filters, compressor parts and service, and vacuum pumps; construction and demolition tools including mobile compressors, pumps, light towers and generators and handheld tools; industrial electric, pneumatic, cordless transducerised assembly tools, alongside an extensive range of pneumatic grinders, sanders, drills, chipping hammers, riveting systems, and rental solutions. In Singapore, we have dedicated Sales & Service Team in our Marine Competency Hub to support our customers in South-East Asia Marine Industry.

Atlas Copco is a world-leading provider of sustainable productivity solutions.

Our products serve customers through its innovative compressors, vacuum solutions, generators, pumps, power tools, assembly systems, and rental solutions. Atlas Copco develops products and services focused on productivity, energy efficiency, safety, and ergonomics. The company was founded in 1873, is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has a global reach spanning more than 180 countries.

About Atlas Copco In Singapore

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