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I nostri settori

Hai bisogno di effettuare la taratura?

Garantisci la qualità e riduci i difetti grazie alla taratura degli utensili e alla taratura accreditata per la garanzia di qualità.​
taratura degli utensili elettrici, test degli utensili, metrologia, test di funzionalità della macchina

Momentum Talks

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Momentum Talks
Consumer electronics

Consumer electronics

High quality solutions for efficient production of those highly necessary every day products.
From that smart phone, to your headphones. Alexander Graham Bell and his peers would have loved the innovations and forward motion in the industry today. The every day use of it in our homes and lives. And the promise of tomorrow!
From that smart phone, to your headphones. Alexander Graham Bell and his peers would have loved the innovations and forward motion in the industry today. The every day use of it in our homes and lives. And the promise of tomorrow!
Our products
MicroTorque controller
Our products
Service solutions
Service solutions
Service solutions

Consumer electronics

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