Pistol Cordless Nutrunner Tensor ITB-P
ITB-P31-06-i06 fotografie produs
Pistol Cordless Nutrunner Tensor ITB-P takes productivity, assembly quality and user experience to the next level. ITB-P offers value-add includes TrueAngle angle compensation, faster tightening speeds, improved wireless signal strength and multiple configurable operator feedback via colored front LED, vibrator and embedded display. ITB-P is part of the Tensor IxB Family, with an integrated controller allowing direct integration with station accessories and production system without the need of an intermediate physical controller box. Țara de origine este SE. Tariful vamal este 84672920

Specificații tehnice

Battery information
Weight incl. battery
1.5 kg
Li-Io 14/18/36 V
Type of battery
1 Li-ion
Material contains a battery
Weight of battery
7 g
Torque range max
6 Nm
Torque range min
1.2 Nm


Increased productivity- cable tool speeds
Improved quality of the joint
Quick installation and easy line rebalancing
Easy to use- no extra training needed
Continuous production and increased uptime


Integrated controller
TrueAngle- angle compensation with gyroscope
Wide range of accessories for process control
Rundown booster
Optimized heat dissipation
Dual antennas
Embedded Display
Colored LED and vibrator for user feedback