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Expert Live Q&A: STbench

Welcome to the STbench question and answer session. 

Taking viewer questions in this Q&A is Doug Wendyker, our STbench Product Specialist. In this session, we’re exploring the STbench, Atlas Copco’s latest joint simulation bench that is part of the QA Platform 4.0 product portfolio. The STbench tests tools and can replicate production conditions using the same Psets used during production. The first question is about the licenses required for the STbench. Doug explains that you need the tool check license, which is tied to QA Supervisor, our high-level Quality Assurance software. When a viewer asks if there is software pre-installed on the devices connected to the bench, Doug explains that the STpad tablet and the 15 in. flat screen monitor both come with QA Inspector for no extra cost. Torque Supervisor, our old software program, is not compatible with the STbench.  

Following a question about the largest torqueing capacity on the bench, Doug explains that for benches with dynamic brakes, the range is 2-3,000 Nm, and for static brake benches, the range is .5-2,000 Nm. Doug explains that pulse tools can be tested on static bench cells, as these cells don’t rotate and can handle pulse tools. When asked if the STbench is easy to move, Doug explains that though it does have a bit of weight to it, the wheels make it simple to move around on the plant floor. We then move back into talking about the STpad/STpalm. Doug says that both data collection devices are not needed at once, you can choose which one you want and just use that device. Another question comes in about whether or not the STbench can be used without the QA Supervisor software. Doug says that it can, and the program would be QA Inspector. But without QA Supervisor, all data will be local, and it will be up to the user to manage the data. The most efficient solution is to use QA Supervisor.  

We then move into talking about calibration for the STbench. Doug recommends that his customers calibrate the bench at least annually. Our Service team will come to your facility to perform calibration services in-house. Our Service teams can also calibrate competitor tools. An audience member asks about the difference between our old Joint Simulation Bench and the STbench. Doug explains that in regard to appearance, they’re very similar. The difference lies in the internal pressure and the robustness in testing capabilities. There are four main licenses that users can consider when using the STbench: tool check, joint check, dimensional, and the attribute license. Customers can pick and choose between options or have all four licenses. The final question is about the Atlas Copco roadshow, and Doug explains that there is a ‘QA 4.0 Corner’ that features the bench and the STpad/STpalm. 

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Expert Live Q&A: STbench

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