10 кроків до екологічного та більш ефективного виробництва

Зменшення викидів вуглецю для екологічного виробництва – все, що вам потрібно знати
10 кроків до екологічного виробництва стисненого повітря

Усе, що вам потрібно знати про процес пневмотранспортування

Дізнайтеся, як можна зробити процес пневматичного транспортування більш ефективним.
3D images of blowers in cement plant
Smart Factory compressor room

Steps to building a smart compressor room

Повітряні компресори Trends Digital OPCUA Compressor Control and Data Monitoring

A smart compressor room holds the key to a more efficient production. This guide will offer some guidance on how you can get there.

In our daily lives, we are increasingly relying on smart devices. From phones and watches to cars, refrigerators and home heating systems, technology has made life much easier for us. In an industrial setting, a smart compressor room is doing the same thing and can greatly enhance production processes.

Both at home and at work, these technologies offer many benefits. Some of them are simply convenient. Others save time or energy. Some allow us to control devices remotely. And some, like self-driving cars and machines that talk to each other, seem to come straight out of science fiction movies.

While a smart compressor room offers many advantages, just like in your home, you don’t have to convert all equipment at the same time. There are different technologies and machines that you can install gradually. Each of them will make things easier for you and/or increase the efficiency and reliability of your equipment.

To better understand how you can make your operation smarter, let’s first take a look at the equipment that is out there. 

Smart compressors

Smart compressor

It all starts with a cutting-edge compressor. Long gone are the days in which compressors exclusively ran at one speed. These fixed-speed models waste a lot of energy if the air demand is low. More modern variable speed drive machines adjust their motor speed to the air requirement and as a result offer double-digit energy savings. 

Late generation compressors, however, can do a lot more. For example, a smart temperature control system can regulate the oil injection temperature to make sure the compressor operates with maximum efficiency and reliability.

Or you can take advantage of innovative features that allow your compressor to temporarily exceed its regular capacity. 

And there are now even compressors that are OPC UA compatible. OPC UA is an evolving machine language that allows the equipment in a production environment to “talk” to each other. It’s an essential step towards a truly connected production floor. 

Smart central controllers

Smart central controller for compressors

If you are operating multiple compressors, you should take advantage of what intelligent central controllers have to offer. 

They will connect and coordinate the performance of all of your machines to ensure you get the most out of them.  

For example, a smart central controller will let you distribute the workload across all units or primarily use your newest and most efficient machines. In other words, it will allow you to prioritize efficiency or reliability. 

Smart air treatment equipment

Smart air treatment

In addition, other compressed air equipment, such as dryers or drains, now also comes with smart features. 

These make them more efficient, reliable and responsive. 

Gradually making your compressor room smart

You don’t have to invest in all of these technologies at once. Instead, you can opt to gradually make your compressor room smarter. For example, you can first upgrade the controller to improve the performance of your existing compressors. 

Or, if you are using multiple units, you can start by adding one ultra-smart compressor or a multiple compressor control device. Then you can sit back and watch how these improvements will make your life easier and your compressed air system more efficient and reliable. 

And when you are convinced that the addition of smart technology will benefit you, you can take the next step.

Getting help setting up your smart compressor room

If you are ready to “get smart” but aren't sure how to get started, then here is an intelligent first step: Reach out to Atlas Copco. Our compressors and controllers feature all of the technology mentioned above – in some cases exclusively. 

And our experts have the required know-how to assist you with transforming your regular compressor room into a smart one. 

Compressor connectivity incorporates the latest technology to enable a truly smart production. In the below e-book, you will learn what connectivity means with regard to compressed air equipment and how you can make new connectivity features work for you.

Find out more about smart factories
Smart compressed air system checklist
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Intrigued? To find out all of the ways in which you can benefit from SMARTLINK, contact an Atlas Copco representative now.  
Intrigued? To find out all of the ways in which you can benefit from SMARTLINK, contact an Atlas Copco representative now.  

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