How Unity Mine, UK, saves up to £13,000 a year
Saving up to £13,000 a year and not making a single compromise on efficiency and reliability when it comes to compressed air in a mine. The secret? GA compressors
在充滿挑戰的採礦領域,最重要的就是可靠性和安全性。為了在 2030 年達成淨零排放的遠大目標,採礦業需要的工業設備不僅要能提供穩定性能,還要能協助邁向永續未來。壓縮空氣與氣體系統也是如此。事實上,此產品系列的節能潛力往往未受重視。
除了壓縮機之外,我們還提供全系列包裝膜與變壓吸附技術 (PSA) 製氧機與氮氣製造機,其製造的純淨氣體絕對能滿足您特定製程的需求。我們的吸附式和冷凍劑乾燥機,以及過濾器能確保用在您製程上的壓縮空氣與氣體可為您帶來最高生產力並將總體擁有成本減至最低。
Saving up to £13,000 a year and not making a single compromise on efficiency and reliability when it comes to compressed air in a mine. The secret? GA compressors
Norwegian mining facility chooses our air compressors and dryers for reliability, life-cycle cost and energy efficiency in extremely low temperatures