10 étapes pour une production éco-responsable et plus efficace

Réduction des émissions de carbone pour une production éco-responsable - Tout ce que vous devez savoir
10 étapes pour une production d'air comprimé éco-responsable

Tuyauterie en acier inoxydable pour les applications sensibles

Vous pouvez désormais vous procurer vos tuyaux en acier inoxydable pour air comprimé directement auprès d'Atlas Copco. Rationalisez votre processus en faisant appel à un seul fournisseur.
La tuyauterie d'air comprimé Airnet d'Atlas Copco est disponible en aluminium et en acier inoxydable

Optimisez votre débit d'air avec un contrôleur central

L'Optimizer 4.0, notre tout nouveau contrôleur central, stabilise votre installation et réduit vos coûts énergétiques.
Optimiseur de compresseur d'air 4.0

Découvrez nos solutions de traitement des eaux usées

Nous proposons une technologie d'air propre qui répond à tous vos besoins en matière d'aération. Avec une efficacité énergétique élevée et un faible coût total de possession.
Waste Water Treatment

Vacuum Pumps, Booster Compressors and Pressure Intensifiers

Types de compresseurs Compresseurs d'air Wiki Air Comprimé Autres compresseurs

There are a lot of compressor types that you might not have known about before. Here we will show you some these “other” kinds of compressors: the vacuum pump, booster compressor and pressure intensifier.

What are vacuum pumps?

a vacuum pump
A vacuum signifies a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure. A vacuum pump is a compressor that compresses a vacuum to higher pressures, generally to atmospheric pressure. A typical characteristic of a vacuum pump is that it works with a very high pressure ratio. This explains why multistage machines are common. Multi-stage air compressors can also be used for vacuums within the pressure range 1 bar(a) and 0.1 bar(a).

What are booster compressors?

A booster compressor is a compressor that compresses compressed air to a much higher pressure. It may be used to compensate the pressure drop in long pipelines or for applications in which a higher pressure is required for a sub-process. Booster compressors may be single-stage or multi-stage and can be of a dynamic or displacement type, but piston compressors are the most common. The power requirement for a booster compressor increases as the pressure ratio rises, whereas the mass flow drops. The curve for power requirement as a function of the inlet pressure has the same general form as the curve for a vacuum pump.

What are pressure intensifiers?

Pressure intensifiers are a form of booster compressors, driven by the compressed air medium itself (called the propellant). They can increase the pressure in a medium for special applications: for laboratory tests of valves, pipes and hoses. A pressure of 7 bar can be amplified in a single stage to 200 bar or up to 1700 bar in multi-staged equipment. The pressure intensifier is only available for very small flows. When the propellant flows in, the low-pressure piston is pressed downwards and forces the medium in the high-pressure compression chamber out under high pressure. The intensifier can work in a cycling process, up to a pressed pressure level. All inert gases can be compressed in this way. Air can also be compressed in a pressure intensifier, but must be completely oil-free to avoid self-ignition.

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