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Peresmian Pembukaan Gedung Kantor Baru Atlas Copco Indonesia

2019 Mei 15

Peresmian Pembukaan Gedung Kantor Baru
Atlas Copco Indonesia
Peresmian Pembukaan Gedung Kantor Baru
Atlas Copco Indonesia
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2019, sebuah peristiwa penting dirayakan oleh karyawan Atlas Copco Indonesia - mereka mengadakan pesta penyambutan rumah baru mereka. Upacara pembukaan gedung baru ini dihadiri oleh President B. A. Compressor Technique Mr. Vagner Rego, Presiden Compressor Technique Service Mr. Dirk Beyts, Presiden Industrial Air Mr. Joeri Ooms, Vice Presiden of Southeast Asia & Oceania Holding Mr. Horst Wasel , dan juga dari Business Sweden Mr. Anders Wickberg dan Duta Besar Swedia untuk Indonesia Mrs. Marina Berg.
Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2019, sebuah peristiwa penting dirayakan oleh karyawan Atlas Copco Indonesia - mereka mengadakan pesta penyambutan rumah baru mereka. Upacara pembukaan gedung baru ini dihadiri oleh President B. A. Compressor Technique Mr. Vagner Rego, Presiden Compressor Technique Service Mr. Dirk Beyts, Presiden Industrial Air Mr. Joeri Ooms, Vice Presiden of Southeast Asia & Oceania Holding Mr. Horst Wasel , dan juga dari Business Sweden Mr. Anders Wickberg dan Duta Besar Swedia untuk Indonesia Mrs. Marina Berg.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Kedatangan mereka disambut hangat oleh General Manager Atlas Copco Indonesia Mr. Aryashree Depayan. Acara ini juga dimeriahkan oleh beberapa tarian daerah dari Indonesia. dan juga beberapa acara simbolis, yaitu memotong tali untuk meresmikan acara pembukaan ini.
Kedatangan mereka disambut hangat oleh General Manager Atlas Copco Indonesia Mr. Aryashree Depayan. Acara ini juga dimeriahkan oleh beberapa tarian daerah dari Indonesia. dan juga beberapa acara simbolis, yaitu memotong tali untuk meresmikan acara pembukaan ini.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
Setelah upacara pembukaan selesai, para peserta kemudian diundang untuk memasuki gedung untuk mendengarkan pidato pembukaan dari GM Atlas Copco Indonesia, dan kata sambutan dari setiap Presiden Area Bisnis yang hadir. Dan tidak lupa juga pidato sambutan dari Duta Besar Swedia untuk Indonesia. Setelah itu peserta diundang untuk menjelajahi setiap ruangan di gedung Atlas Copco Indonesia.
Setelah upacara pembukaan selesai, para peserta kemudian diundang untuk memasuki gedung untuk mendengarkan pidato pembukaan dari GM Atlas Copco Indonesia, dan kata sambutan dari setiap Presiden Area Bisnis yang hadir. Dan tidak lupa juga pidato sambutan dari Duta Besar Swedia untuk Indonesia. Setelah itu peserta diundang untuk menjelajahi setiap ruangan di gedung Atlas Copco Indonesia.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Rekonstruksi bangunan telah dimulai sejak tahun lalu, semua ini kami lakukan untuk menunjang kinerja kariawan kami dan juga untuk kenyamanan pelanggan kami. Latar belakang berdirinya Atlas Copco di Indonesia pertama kali dimulai pada tahun 1982, Grup Atlas Copco memulai usaha dengan perusahaan lokal sebagai agen tunggal untuk merek Atlas Copco.
Rekonstruksi bangunan telah dimulai sejak tahun lalu, semua ini kami lakukan untuk menunjang kinerja kariawan kami dan juga untuk kenyamanan pelanggan kami. Latar belakang berdirinya Atlas Copco di Indonesia pertama kali dimulai pada tahun 1982, Grup Atlas Copco memulai usaha dengan perusahaan lokal sebagai agen tunggal untuk merek Atlas Copco.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia – they had their house-warming party.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Denga memaksimalkan aktivitas penjualan dan dengan didukung oleh layanan purna jual yang sistematis dan efektif membuat produk-produk Atlas Copco dapat diterima dengan baik di seluruh pasar Indonesia. Dan untuk memfokuskan kehadirannya di Indonesia, pada tahun 1998 Atlas Copco Group memutuskan untuk mendirikan organisasi penjualan & layanan yang sepenuhnya hadir di Indonesia dengan nama “PT. Atlas Copco Indonesia ”. Ini adalah awal dari perusahaan yang memperluas jangkauannya tidak hanya di industri pertambangan dan konstruksi tetapi juga seluruh industri manufaktur.
Denga memaksimalkan aktivitas penjualan dan dengan didukung oleh layanan purna jual yang sistematis dan efektif membuat produk-produk Atlas Copco dapat diterima dengan baik di seluruh pasar Indonesia. Dan untuk memfokuskan kehadirannya di Indonesia, pada tahun 1998 Atlas Copco Group memutuskan untuk mendirikan organisasi penjualan & layanan yang sepenuhnya hadir di Indonesia dengan nama “PT. Atlas Copco Indonesia ”. Ini adalah awal dari perusahaan yang memperluas jangkauannya tidak hanya di industri pertambangan dan konstruksi tetapi juga seluruh industri manufaktur.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Prestasi ini tidak akan mungkin tercapai tanpa leadership yang baik dan kerja keras dari karyawan kami yang ada saat ini dan yang ada sebelumnya. Suatu organisasi selalu berkembang seiring berjalanya waktu, kami percaya dengan kerjasama dan semangat kebersamaan kami dapat saling membangun dan menolong satu sama lain. Saat ini kami sedang berbagi kegembiraan meresmikan rumah baru, kami juga memiliki visi dan komitmen kebersamaan untuk menjaga rumah baru kami.
Prestasi ini tidak akan mungkin tercapai tanpa leadership yang baik dan kerja keras dari karyawan kami yang ada saat ini dan yang ada sebelumnya. Suatu organisasi selalu berkembang seiring berjalanya waktu, kami percaya dengan kerjasama dan semangat kebersamaan kami dapat saling membangun dan menolong satu sama lain. Saat ini kami sedang berbagi kegembiraan meresmikan rumah baru, kami juga memiliki visi dan komitmen kebersamaan untuk menjaga rumah baru kami.
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
Selamat datang di rumah baru kami Atlas Copco Indonesia! Semoga dengan rumah baru ini, Atlas Copco Indonesia akan selalu memiliki semangat baru dalam memberikan yang terbaik!
Selamat datang di rumah baru kami Atlas Copco Indonesia! Semoga dengan rumah baru ini, Atlas Copco Indonesia akan selalu memiliki semangat baru dalam memberikan yang terbaik!
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party
An official ceremony of opening a new office building of Atlas Copco Indonesia  On May 15th , 2019 a milestone event was celebrated by the employees of Atlas Copco Indonesia they had their house-warming party