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Atlas Copco Customer Center Czech Republic Contact

Atlas Copco Tools Customer Center Czech Republic

One of the three offices of Atlas Copco Customer Center Eastern Europe, the Prague office supports the entire region. The Customer Support and Control team works with 13 countries in Eastern Europe and can communicate in 5 languages. Customers in all these countries feel that we are local – our sales and service staff visit their plants while our internal support team provides basic product information and handles order delivery availability and collection issues. We also have a communications team in Prague producing product and application information in 6 languages in several different formats. These include brochures, leaflets, catalogues, electronic media and online content. Prague also has an accredited calibration laboratory serving customers throughout the region.

Atlas Copco Tools Customer Center Czech Republic

V Parku 2336/22,
Prague 4, Chodov,
148 00 czech republic

Müşteri Merkezi