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Momentum Talks

Tutustu inspiroiviin ja innostaviin keskusteluihin Atlas Copcosta
Momentum Talks
Quality increase in EV Battery assembly

3D visual inspection – the game changer to increase quality in EV battery assembly

5 minuutti(a) lukemiseen Toukokuu 11, 2023

Manufacturing success depends on quality. Precisely defined quality standards must be met at every stage of the manufacturing process. The role of manufacturing quality control is to ensure that all products are defect-free, that the manufacturing process minimizes waste, and that the final product meets the customer's expectations before it leaves the manufacturing facility.

Why Machine Vision Solutions matter

When it comes to digitalization, machine vision is recognized as one of the leading technologies. Machine vision adds value to quality control processes by fully automating them, making them more productive and cost-effective.

In many companies, quality control is still a manual operation. Although the ability of humans to visually inspect different objects is very high, subjectivity and fatigue resulting from performing repetitive tasks can lead to human error. Furthermore, traceability is key to enabling manufacturers to identify the source of any defects or quality issues during the production process. Traceability helps to improve production processes and by that reduces costs and waste, also increasing productivity. Recalls or even the removal of faulty products from the market can be decreased enormously. Proper documentation via traceability is an essential aspect of quality control and regulatory compliance. 




3D-quality inspection in three dimensions – to get full control and traceability on production quality

To get full inspection and control in every dimension, the 3D quality inspection is the right choice. Any geometry, if simple or complex, can be checked such as accurate measurement in corners, on edges in channel features, etc.. This provides higher reliability and no gaps in turns and corners.

3D inspection can be realized directly inline.

What are the benefits of in-process inspection?

  • 360° application coverage ensures 100% bead inspection
  • No additional cycle time is required for the qualitative assessment
  • Full quality control and traceability 



How Atlas Copco supports you in solving your quality control challenges

Combining machine vision solutions with our broad joining and dispensing technologies, we at Atlas Copco optimize your production processes, also increasing productivity, product quality, and data processing. Our customers benefit from a complete, holistic solution for automation, robot guidance, and visual quality inspection from a single source. ]

2D inspection is based on contrasting the images of the object from different angles, which are analyzed using algorithms to identify defects. This can be done in-process, but also post-process.

In contrast, 3D vision inspection is based on the laser triangulation principle, making it less sensitive when inspecting similar colors of beads and parts. The 3D inspection also provides a more precise view that can detect defects that are difficult to identify with 2D vision instances in complex geometries. The level of detail and accuracy is the main difference between these two inspection methods.



RTVision.3d – Atlas Copco’s latest inspection solution with 3D laser technology




RTVision.3d is the ideal solution for quality inspection in battery assembly.
For instance, when it comes to battery sealing an uninterrupted bead, precise bead beginnings, and ends, as well as an even bead height are mandatory.
The inline 3D vision inspection solution RTVision.3d inspects the width, height, and continuity of the bead during the application as well as the applied volume. It also monitors the distance from the center of the bead to the component edge to check accurate positioning.

A further challenging application is the two-component structural bonding of the battery case with a stitch bead. To control both this complex application pattern and the exact volume applied, a three-dimensional laser technology, like RTVision.3d, is the right choice.
Thanks to its six cameras and six laser lines, inspection in every dimension is possible with extremely high reliability for maximum curve coverage and difficult contrast ratios like a black bead on black surfaces.

RTVision.3d generates a full point cloud and detects any deviation in real time.

You can even realize two inspections with one single run when using the leading and the trail laser.



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