
Jaldoot 2.0 – Regenerating water sources and joys

Jaldoot 2.0: 2019 – Present

The success of Jaldoot 1.0 inspired the second chapter Jaldoot 2.0. Financed by the Atlas Copco Charitable Foundation, the project assists villages in regenerating dried-up water sources. The project sought the help of Sevavardhini to approach rural communities. Sevavardhini is a known NGO in the sustainable development sector, and more than 200 local NGOs are associated with it. The project forged partnerships with 21 local organizations in 19 districts of Maharashtra. Further, 25 villages were selected, and 43 barefoot water messengers (Jaldoots) were identified across these villages for the project.

Training for Jaldoots

These barefoot messengers known as Jaldoots have undergone extensive technical training programs about water, soil, geology, agriculture and allied business, net planning, etc. Their training comprised  22 diverse activities, and to name a few, these activities included:

Jaldoot training on soil-conservation and environment science
  • Calculating water tables
  • Plantation drive
  • Measuring well’s water levels
  • Grafting a rain gauge and measuring precipitation
  • Acquiring pumping test for wells
  • Generating maps of village stratigraphy
  • Natural resource identification and their social conflicts

The training modules helped Jaldoots understand different spatial commodities and hone the skills to become technologically sound in watershed management. The training enabled them to have a techno-savvy approach towards every task they undertake. They also created an online repository of water levels of observation wells and precipitation data for the year 2020-21. Also, it helped them to establish a village water management committee at the community level for generating Village Water Safety and Security Plan (VWSSP).

Jaldoot 2.0 – Four-phased Project

Phase-I: Identification of the villages, partner organizations, and the Jaldoots. This phase is now completed, the villages, partner organizations, and Jaldoots have been selected. Phase-II: Training of the selected Jaldoots is a crucial phase of the project, where a pair of volunteers (one representing the village and another representing the organization) will be given training on scientific methods of water management.

Phase-III: Surveys, Field Work, and Preparation of VWSSP: The third phase is almost concurrently driven with the training. And the Jaldoots are spearheading the processes that can pave the way for the creation of the VWSSP. This phase includes two major survey initiatives, such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Socio-Economic-Surveys (SES). Also, faculty members are imparting the training, and a technical mentor is assigned to each village.

Phase IV: Project interventions: In its fourth phase, the project Jaldoot 2.0 aims to complete one project intervention in each selected village that has been identified and budgeted. As per the original plan, project works were planned for 13 villages before the monsoon of 2020.

Despite the challenges that the pandemic threw at us, Jaldoots willingly undertook exceptional relief and rehabilitation drives in their limited geographies. With Project Jaldoot 2 completing two years since its inception, Sevavardhini, Partner Organizations, Jaldoots, and Atlas Copco Charitable Foundation are striving to develop a cohesive bonding through water conservation and management would navigate all of us to achieve sustainable benefits for the rural community.

Jaldoot 2.0 – Regenerating water sources and joys

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