10 kroków do ekologicznej i bardziej energooszczędnej produkcji

Zmniejszanie emisji dwutlenku węgla w produkcji ekologicznej — wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć
10 kroków do ekologicznej produkcji sprężonego powietrza

Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o procesie transportu pneumatycznego

Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób możesz stworzyć bardziej wydajny proces transportu pneumatycznego.
3D images of blowers in cement plant

Zoptymalizuj przepływ powietrza przy użyciu sterownika centralnego

Nasz najnowszy sterownik centralny, Optimizer 4.0, zapewnia stabilne działanie instalacji i obniża koszty energii.
sterownik optimizer 4.0 do sprężarek powietrza


Automotive supplier Matrival needs it all: reliability, a small fooprint, energy efficiency, sustainability and a partner who can take responsibility of the entire compressed air system. We were able to deliver on all compressed air fronts with the new GA55 VSD+. Providing a compressed air system perfect for the automotive industry.

Przemysł samochodowy

GA VSD+ the air compressor of the future

Air compressor - GA37 VSD+

Several large car companies rely on Matrival to make theirs parts shine. And Matrival itself, well, they have taken a shine to Atlas Copco. With its innovative vertical design and a very reliable permanent magnet motor (iPM), the GA55 VSD+ compressor is a truly revolutionary machine. The compressor delivers a reduction energy consumption by an average of 50%, with uptime assured even in the harshest operational conditions. The GA 7-75 VSD+ is the air compressor of the future, designed completely in-house by Atlas Copco. Sustainability is one of Atlas Copco’s watchwords and is just as important to Matrival. Care for the environment is one Matrivals priorities. They’re located right next to one of the most beautiful natural parks in Spain and want to keep it that way. The GA VSD+ helps Matrival achieve their ecological goals. Its permanent magnet motor has a variable speed drive, which tunes the delivery of air into the demand. It simply winds down when the demand is lower, which means: saving energy. Matrival can expect savings of 50% on average. This compressor saves the environment and at the same time, it saves money.