10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Discover our solutions for wastewater treatment

We offer clean air technology that matches all your aeration needs. With high energy efficiency and low total cost of ownership.
Waste Water Treatment
Čiščenje odpadnih vod

Čiščenje odpadnih vod

Brez-oljna zračna puhala za vse namene pri čiščenju odpadnih vod, tako industrijskih kot komunalnih. Ponujamo tehnologijo dovajanja čistega zraka, ki ustreza vsem vašim prezračevalnim potrebam. Z visoko energijsko učinkovitostjo in nizkimi skupnimi stroški lastništva.


Getting started: how to find the right blower for your site

Before you look at the technical details of a solution, it's a good idea to go back to basics. Looking at the data plate of your existing units will give you some information, but not the full picture. What is the current capacity you need at your site? How do you compare blower performance data? With a few guidelines, you'll be able to spot the best offer in no time.

Comparing apples to apples: flow & pressure
WWT application activated sludge
Comparing apples to apples: flow & pressure
Your checklist for comparing solutions
new vs existing blower installation
Your checklist for comparing solutions
Discover our solutions
ZS 4 VSD+_outdoor installation_rain canopy_landscape
Discover our solutions

Download aeration blower request sheet below

If you want to check which blower solution we can offer for your wastewater application, feel free to complete and send us the request sheet. Our local experts are happy to explore which of our technology would be your right fit. 

The true cost of your aeration air

V čistilni napravi za odpadno vodo se do 70 % energije porabi za prezračevanje. Poleg tega poraba energije za obratovanje puhal ustreza pet do desetkratni nakupni ceni enot samih. Znižanje stroškov za energijo je ključnega pomena za ohranjanje nizkih obratovalnih stroškov. Vaše operativne stroške lahko znižamo tako, da vam zagotovimo eno najučinkovitejših in najzanesljivejših naprav na trgu – s tem bo vaša naložba zelo hitro postala donosna.

Trends for a more efficient process
wastewater treatment plant
Trends for a more efficient process
How to keep your costs low
wastewater treatment plant
How to keep your costs low
To replace or not to replace?
wastewater treatment plant
To replace or not to replace?
Our different financing solutions
BAFA Foerderung
Our different financing solutions

Easy integration

Thinking about the installation of your air blowers might seem like something you do after you've purchased them. Thinking ahead will save you from unexpected costs. For instance, not all blowers are offered as complete packages. Making sure you have a complete package will ensure that everything you'll need for operation is included in your purchase. What are the hidden costs? What should be included before your blowers can be deployed into the treatment process?

What are the potentially hidden installation costs?
What are the potentially hidden installation costs?
Installation: a checklist
Engineers using laptop in the filed
Installation: a checklist
A complete package: plug-and-play solutions
A complete package: plug-and-play solutions

Never run out of air

Minimizing emissions & breakdowns

Compressed air is an integral part of the wastewater treatment process. The first step towards a more reliable process is choosing the quality equipment that fits your needs. It's key to stay ahead of new governmental guidelines and regulations. The increasingly strict rules require your process to emit a minimal amount of carbon and the water to contain a minimal level of pollutants after treatment. 

Mistakes to avoid
Illustration regulations
Mistakes to avoid
Which features to look for
Air flow ZB VSD+ still video
Which features to look for

Optimal aeration control

Designing your aeration control system affects the efficiency of your process. More control means more knowledge and fewer chances of a complete breakdown. The more control you want, the more data you'll need. Traditional blower setups such as cascade sequences or unit control through gauges only allow simple measuring and control. Discover our tips and tricks to get more control over your system.

Tips & tricks for designing your control system
SMARTLINK portal screen at customer in dark theme
Tips & tricks for designing your control system
Aeration control options
Aeration control options

Minimal maintenance

Correctly maintaining your aeration installation ensures a smooth treatment process. Preventive maintenance is a great way toward a healthy installation. But taking the next step toward predictive maintenance will pay off in the long run. Discover how you can extend traditional service intervals and avoid those unwanted breakdowns.

Preventive vs predictive maintenance: should you take the next step?
Service Technician
Preventive vs predictive maintenance: should you take the next step?
How to achieve minimal level of maintenance
Businessman using smart phone
How to achieve minimal level of maintenance

Discover the right service plan for your site

Atlas Copco Service Technician - Commercial

Discover the right service plan for your site

Wastewater treatment applications

Digital brochures wastewater treatment & product

Učinkovitost in zanesljivost sta ključni za nizke stroške lastništva

Wastewater treatment plants videos

Montville Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Montville Water Pollution Control Facility uses six Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBRs) to treat their wastewater. The influent flows have significantly higher loading than average due to industrial users from a paper plant and also a nearby casino due to those high loads. They need much more air than your average wastewater treatment plant. Atlas Copco met with Superintendent Derek Albertson about to discuss the application and why Atlas Copco’s ZB VSD+ blower was the perfect the needs of the facility.

Port Washington Wastewater Management

Located on the picturesque Lake Michigan shoreline, the Port Washington Wastewater Treatment Facility in Port Washington, Wisconsin chose Atlas Copco’s ZS VSD+ screw blower to power their facility 8 years ago. A few of the benefits they’ve realized with Atlas Copco’s blower and service solutions include 64,000 running hours Zero unplanned downtime Over $190,000+ in energy savings 24/7 Partnership with Service Technicians

Wastewater Treatment | Sainsons Paper Industries

Discover how Sainsons Paper Industry in India revolutionized their effluent treatment plant with Atlas Copco Screw Blowers. Witness the transformation as they replaced conventional root blowers with cutting-edge technology, ensuring an uninterrupted air supply for their water treatment process. Experience the success story of a promising investment that propelled their paper manufacturing sector forward. Watch now and witness the power of innovation at Sainsons Paper Industry.

Wastewater treatment plants stories

Screw blower delivers energy savings for Port Washington Wastewater Treatment facility
Over 500 million gallons of wastewater is processed through this plant every year. Providing the air for the aeration tank is an Atlas Copco VSD screw blower that the facility has had for eight years
Screw blower delivers energy savings for Port Washington Wastewater Treatment facility
Al Marjan island chooses Atlas Copco air blower to enhance sustainable wastewater treatment
Marjan island
Al Marjan island chooses Atlas Copco air blower to enhance sustainable wastewater treatment
Artistic Milliners opts for an energy efficient ZS screw blower
Artistic Milliners opts for an energy efficient ZS screw blower
Artistic Milliners opts for an energy efficient ZS screw blower

Zmanjšanje vpliva čiščenja odpadne vode na okolje

Učinkovito gospodarjenje z vodo postaja vse pomembnejše zaradi vse manjše razpoložljivosti virov in naraščajočega finančnega pritiska. Če računate na ohranjanje bakterij pri življenju z dovajanjem zraka med postopkom čiščenja, si nikakor ne želite onesnaženja z oljem. Zato so naši izdelki brez olja, kar poleg zmanjšanja porabe energije pomaga zmanjšati tudi vpliv na okolje.

Globalna mreža in poprodajne storitve

Naša prodajno-servisna mreža se razširja po 180 državah; s servisiranjem na tisoče nizkotlačnih napeljav za stisnjen zrak po vsem svetu zagotavljamo, da oprema vedno deluje z največjo učinkovitostjo in da so izpadi delovanja omejeni na minimum.

Zgodbe strank


Difuzno prezračevanje

Ker bakterije ne morejo preživeti brez kisika, je neprekinjeno dovajanje zraka brez olja pomembno za kakovost postopka čiščenja odpadne vode. Dovajanje odpadne vode se lahko spreminja skozi dan, zato je ključno, da se puhalo prilagaja spremenljivim potrebam po pretoku zraka. Ponujamo vam puhala s stalno hitrostjo in zelo prilagodljivim pretokom zraka ter energijsko učinkovita puhala s spremenljivo hitrostjo.

Čiščenje s protitokom

Čiščenje s protitokom je povratno črpanje vode skozi filter. Zrak brez olja preprečuje, da bi se filtrirni mediji umazali in postali neuporabni. Gre za obliko preventivnega vzdrževanja, tako da se filtrirni medij lahko ponovno uporabi.

Prezračevalna laguna

Prezračevalna laguna je bazen, ki pospešuje biološko oksidacijo odpadne vode. Učinkovitost sistema difuznega prezračevanja neposredno vpliva na kakovost in stopnjo čiščenja odpadne vode, ki se lahko doseže v laguni.

Postopek z aktivnim blatom

Zrak in mikroorganizmi se uporabljajo za biološko oksidacijo organskih onesnaževal, pri čemer nastaja odpadno blato z vsebnostjo oksidiranih materialov. Zrak v običajnih sistemih z aktivnim blatom mora biti brez olja, da ne pride do onesnaženja vode.

Šaržni biološki reaktor (SBR)

Šaržni biološki reaktorji so procesi z aktivnim blatom, zasnovani za uporabo v spremenljivih pogojih. Delujejo v pravem šaržnem načinu s prezračevanjem in usedanjem blata v istem bazenu. V fazi prezračevanja se pretok zraka v rezervoarju razprši. Poraba energije je pri enotah s stalno hitrostjo precej manjša, kar ustvarja konkurenčno cenovno prednost.

Sistemi z membranskimi biološkimi reaktorji (MBR)

Različica običajnega sistema z aktivnim blatom, pri kateri ločevanje trdnih in tekočih snovi poteka z membrano (mikro- ali ultrafiltracija). Ponuja prednosti pri nadzoru postopka in kakovosti vode, vendar porabi veliko energije in zahteva intenziven postopek biološke obdelave.

Rešitve z brez-oljnimi puhali za čiščenje odpadnih vod

ZB VSD + brez-oljna centrifugalna puhala
ZB 5-6 VSD+ installation picture complete room
ZB VSD + brez-oljna centrifugalna puhala
Zaščitite svoj proizvodni proces in povečajte svojo energetsko učinkovitost z našimi preizkušenimi centrifugalnimi zračnimi puhali ZB z neposrednim pogonom. S pogonom s spremenljivo hitrostjo.
Zaščitite svoj proizvodni proces in povečajte svojo energetsko učinkovitost z našimi preizkušenimi centrifugalnimi zračnimi puhali ZB z neposrednim pogonom. S pogonom s spremenljivo hitrostjo.
Zaščitite svoj proizvodni proces in povečajte svojo energetsko učinkovitost z našimi preizkušenimi centrifugalnimi zračnimi puhali ZB z neposrednim pogonom. S pogonom s spremenljivo hitrostjo.
ZM brez-oljna večstopenjska centrifugalna puhala in izpušni ventili
ZM, ZM 4-6, multistage blowers
ZM brez-oljna večstopenjska centrifugalna puhala in izpušni ventili
Prilagodljivi odzračevalniki zraka in plinov, tlaka in vakuuma z minimalnimi potrebami po vzdrževanju.
Prilagodljivi odzračevalniki zraka in plinov, tlaka in vakuuma z minimalnimi potrebami po vzdrževanju.
Prilagodljivi odzračevalniki zraka in plinov, tlaka in vakuuma z minimalnimi potrebami po vzdrževanju.
ZL (VSD) brez-oljna puhala z lopatičnim elementom
ZL 1 VSD installation_left view
ZL (VSD) brez-oljna puhala z lopatičnim elementom
Preprostost in preizkušena zasnova naših brez-oljnih puhal z loputami ZL se odlično ujema z instalacijami v težkih pogojih.
Preprostost in preizkušena zasnova naših brez-oljnih puhal z loputami ZL se odlično ujema z instalacijami v težkih pogojih.
Preprostost in preizkušena zasnova naših brez-oljnih puhal z loputami ZL se odlično ujema z instalacijami v težkih pogojih.
ZS (VSD) brez-oljna vijačna puhala
ZS 4 VSD+ installation_left
ZS (VSD) brez-oljna vijačna puhala
Prihranite do 30% energije z uporabo našega 100% certificiranega puhala s spremenljivo hitrostjo (VSD +) ZS.
Prihranite do 30% energije z uporabo našega 100% certificiranega puhala s spremenljivo hitrostjo (VSD +) ZS.
Prihranite do 30% energije z uporabo našega 100% certificiranega puhala s spremenljivo hitrostjo (VSD +) ZS.
Optimizirajte pretok zraka s centralnimi krmilniki
Optimizer 4.0 in Compressor room
Optimizirajte pretok zraka s centralnimi krmilniki
Ožje tlačno območje bo stabiliziralo sistem in znižalo stroške energije.
Ožje tlačno območje bo stabiliziralo sistem in znižalo stroške energije.
Ožje tlačno območje bo stabiliziralo sistem in znižalo stroške energije.
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Kontaktirajte nas

Čiščenje odpadnih vod

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