10 steps to a green and more efficient production

Carbon reduction for green production - all you need to know
10 steps to green compressed air production

Discover our solutions for wastewater treatment

We offer clean air technology that matches all your aeration needs. With high energy efficiency and low total cost of ownership.
Waste Water Treatment
Kompresorji za pivovarstvo

Rešitve za stisnjen zrak v pivovarstvu

Brezoljni zračni kompresorji, vakuumske črpalke in generatorji dušika za pivovarsko industrijo. Naše rešitve za stisnjen zrak in pline so najboljša izbira za vsako pivovarno ter zagotavljajo najnižje možne stroške lastništva.

Certifikat ISO 22000

Prvi in edini proizvajalec zračnih kompresorjev s certifikatom ISO 22000. To pivovarnam zagotavlja, da so naši izdelki zasnovani prav za uporabo na tem področju.

Več o certifikatih ISO 22000

Zagotovljena neprekinjena oskrba z brezoljnim zrakom

Certificiran brezoljni zrak in dušik razreda 0 skladno z zahtevami standarda kakovosti ISO 85731-1. Zagotavljanje neprekinjene oskrbe z zrakom in dušikom z najvišjo stopnjo čistosti.

Več o razredu 0 in standardu ISO 8573-1

Kompresorji za vse faze proizvodnje piva

Stisnjen zrak je potreben v skoraj vseh fazah proizvodnje piva. Izdelke prilagodimo tako, da popolnoma ustrezajo potrebam pivovarne, kar zadeva velikost, hrup, energijsko učinkovitost in druge zahteve.

Why use our air compressors in your brewery?

Certified clean air

We have set the standard concerning uncontaminated air. Being the first compressor manufacturer to be ISO 22000 certified and the first to have been certified by a third party on ISO 8573-1 (2010) Class 0 clean air. 

This gives breweries peace of mind that the air is as pure as possible. Highly trained employees manufacture compressors in a safe and controlled environment.

Click here for in-depth information about Air Quality


Solutions for every step of the brewing process

Doesn’t matter if you are a large brewery, microbrewery or a craft brewery, our compressors offer solutions for every single size, because compressed air is used in nearly every step of any brewery’s production process. From fermentation and aeration to bottling and carbonating, we can tailor our products specifically to the brewery’s needs depending on their energy, size and noise requirements.


Optimal cost of total ownership

Being the most reliable machine on the market comes with additional benefits. Having an oil-free air compressor means you do not have to replace expensive filters, there are no extra energy costs for pressure loss due to these filters. This brings down maintenance costs.

Additionally, it is possible to recover the CO2 that is created during the fermentation process for commercial ends or self-use. Finally, thanks to our global service network that contains more than 180 countries downtimes are solved in no-time, no matter where you are or at what time.

Person working in brewery

Why use our nitrogen generators in your brewery?

Reduce nitrogen gas costs

We have been in the brewing industry long enough to know that consumers' changing behavior towards drinking less or/and drinking at home has put extra pressure on our customers to stay competitive. This is why saving you money is one of our top priorities.

Reduce carbon footprint

Liquefying nitrogen or producing nitrogen gas requires a great deal of electric energy. When you add to this the carbon emissions that are generated by the actual transport of the liquid nitrogen or the gas bottles, the environmental benefits of onsite nitrogen generation become obvious.

Reduce CO2 usage

In breweries, CO2 is often used for carbonation, blanketing, and purging among other things, but CO2 liquid /bottles can be expensive and can cause issues with over-carbonation. This means that reducing CO2 usage by replacing it with nitrogen would be cheaper and safer, especially when using low-pressure nitrogen.

Partner with a reliable supplier

We understand that having oxygen in your beer could completely affect its quality. This is why we build nitrogen generators that are reliable and easy to operate. We also offer an end-to-end service that will ensure that any breakdown is fixed quickly and efficiently. Having 4885 field service engineers also means that our engineers will never be too far away.

Lowest air factors in the industry

Our NGP+  range provides you with the industry's lowest air factors as standard - as low as 1.8 (95% N2 purity) to 5.4 (99.999%). 

Potrjeno čist zrak

Postavili smo standard za neonesnažen zrak. Smo prvi in edini proizvajalec kompresorjev s certifikatom ISO 22000 ter prvi proizvajalec s certifikatom tretje osebe za čist zrakrazreda 0 po standardu ISO 8573-1 (2010) Pivovarji so lahko popolnoma brez skrbi, saj je zrak karseda čist, kompresorje pa izdelujejo visoko usposobljeni delavci v varnem in nadzorovanem okolju.

Rešitve za vsak korak v postopku proizvodnje piva

Ne glede na to, ali imate veliko, zelo majhno ali obrtno pivovarno, vam naši kompresorji ponujajo rešitve za prav vsako velikost, saj se stisnjen zrak uporablja skoraj v vsakem koraku proizvodnega procesa v vsaki pivovarni. Od fermentacije in prezračevanja do stekleničenja in karbonizacije – svoje izdelke lahko prilagodimo potrebam vsake pivovarne, odvisno od potreb glede porabe energije, obsega in zmanjševanja hrupa.

Optimalni skupni stroški lastništva

Najzanesljivejša oprema na trgu ima tudi druge prednosti. Zaradi uporabe brezoljnega zračnega kompresorja ni treba menjavati dragih filtrov, poleg tega pa ni dodatnih stroškov zaradi izgube tlaka, ki bi jo povzročalo onesnaženje filtrov. To znižuje stroške vzdrževanja. Poleg tega je mogoče prestrezati CO2 ki nastaja med fermentacijo, za komercialne namene ali lastno uporabo. Po zaslugi naše globalne servisne mreže, ki obsega več kot 180 držav, se izpadi delovanja razrešijo takoj, ne glede na to, kje ste in kdaj se zgodijo.

See how our equipment is used by our brewery customers

Birra Peroni brews Class 0 beer

Birra Peroni brews Class 0 beer

The world of compressed air will no longer be the same thanks to the new oil-free ZR air compressor, tested in Italy by Birra Peroni.

Learn more about our oil free compressors ZR/ZT

Barranco Beer Company uses oil-free air for brewing

Barranco Beer Company brews class 0 beer

Barranco Beer Company in Peru uses oil-free air compressors provided by Atlas Copco to produce high quality class 0 beer.

Learn more about our oil-free compressors ZR/ZT

Atlas Copco provided Olde Mecklenburg Brewery with oil-free compressors

Olde Mecklenburg Brewery uses oil-free air in brewing process

The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA) uses oil free air compressors from Atlas Copco in their brewing processes to guarantee that their air is clean, their nitrogen is pure and their beer is always uncompromised.

Learn more about our oil-free compressors ZR/ZT

CO2 compressor
OFA Medium pressure product portfolio
CO2 compressor



Polnjenje steklenic/pločevink

Stisnjen zrak se uporablja za pretakanje piva iz rezervoarja za kondicioniranje v steklenice in za vzdrževanje čistih linij. Brezoljni zrak razreda 0 zagotavlja, da se linije in rezervoarji ne onesnažijo.

Prestrezanje CO2

It is possible to recover the CO2 that is created during the fermentation process and either use it to carbonate your products or by storing it and later selling it.
Read more on CO2 recovery for breweries

CO2, ki nastaja med fermentacijo, je mogoče prestrezati in ga uporabiti za karbonizacijo ali pa ga shraniti in prodati..
Preberite več o prestrezanju CO2 v pivovarnah

Čiščenje zraka

Brezoljni stisnjen zrak se uporablja za čiščenje steklenic in druge embalaže pred polnjenjem. Onesnažen zrak ne spremeni samo okusa, vonja in pene, temveč pomeni tudi nevarnost za zdravje.


Stisnjen zrak dovaja kisik bakterijam med fermentacijo (prezračevanje). Tako lahko mikroorganizmi pretvorijo ogljikove hidrate v alkohol. Med postopkom je pomembno dovajati natančno količino stisnjenega zraka in vzdrževati pravilno raven kisika za zagotavljanje kakovosti kvasa.
Preberite več o fermentaciji v pivovarnah


Stisnjen zrak se uporablja za krmiljenje ventilov in aktuatorjev na avtomatiziranih linijah za pakiranje, etiketiranje in druge namene. Brezoljni zrak preprečuje zagozditev avtomatiziranih sestavnih delov in s tem zniža stroške vzdrževanja.

Čiščenje odpadne vode

Vodo, ki se uporablja v pivovarstvu, je treba pred vrnitvijo v vodni krog očistiti, da se čim bolj zmanjša njen vpliv na okolje. Zrak, ki se uporablja pri takšnem čiščenju, mora seveda biti brez olja – drugače bi se voda ponovno onesnažila. Preberite več o čiščenju odpadne vode

Ebook: Compressed air and nitrogen for microbreweries

In this microbrewery ebook, read all about:

  • the process of beer brewing
  • the role of compressed air in beer brewing
  • the role of Nitrogen in beer brewing
  • the key compressed air and nitrogen requirements in microbreweries
  • the design of a compressed air and nitrogen system
  • the importance of monitoring and maintenance

Brewery compressed air systems

Process cooling in breweries

Rešitve za stisnjen zrak v pivovarstvu

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