BMI ovens
This story takes you to Lyon in France, where Atlas Copco’s nitrogen solutions fire up BMI’s ovens. BMI Fours Industrial is a manufacturer of industrial ovens and furnaces.
Dušik ima pomembno vlogo v številnih industrijah in dejavnostih, med drugim tudi v naftni in plinski industriji, elektronski industriji, pri pakiranju hrane in pijače, v kemični proizvodnji, farmaciji, pri laserskem rezanju in pri čiščenju odpadnih vod.
Čeprav je nakup ali zakup dušika vedno možnost, se stroški hitro naberejo. Ko govorimo o učinkovitosti, skupnih stroškov lastništva, varnosti zaposlenih in vplivu na okolje, ima generiranje dušika na kraju samem veliko prednosti. Poleg tega imate z generiranjem dušika na kraju samem popoln nadzor nad čistostjo, tlakom in količino dušika, ki ga pridobivate za določeno aplikacijo.
Generatorji dušika na kraju samem lahko uporabljajo različne tehnologije.
Tako pri generatorjih, ki uporabljajo adsorpcijo pri spremenljivem tlaku, kot pri membranskih generatorjih je pomembno, da ste pozorni na dovodni zrak, da zagotovite čistost zraka za generiranje dušika na kraju samem. V primeru generatorjev, ki uporabljajo adsorpcijo pri spremenljivem tlaku, mora biti komprimiran zrak, ki se dovaja v generator dušika, čist in suh. Prav tako je treba nadzorovati temperaturo in tlak dovodnega zraka. To je mogoče z namestitvijo sušilnika zraka med kompresor in generator dušika na kraju samem. Tudi v primeru membranskih generatorjev mora biti dovodni zrak čist in suh, da se prepreči zamašitev.
This story takes you to Lyon in France, where Atlas Copco’s nitrogen solutions fire up BMI’s ovens. BMI Fours Industrial is a manufacturer of industrial ovens and furnaces.
The Michel family has been involved in wine for over generations now. They produce Chablis, from the vine to the bottle.
Breffni Air is an Irish specialist Ventilation Company. They manufacture and install ductwork. Their fibre laser cutter provides them with very accurate sheet metal profiles in both stainless & galvanised steel. To achieve this, they use Nitrogen as a cutting gas. Using the Atlas Copco high pressure nitrogen skid ensures them always to have on tap availability and bottle transportation is no longer needed. With an 80% cost saving on top.
Nitrogen plays a big role in various industrial applications. This e-book on nitrogen generation will help you understand the growing trend of on-site nitrogen generation and how this will benefit your business.
Would you like to discuss the options for your business or do you have specific questions for us? Click the button below to get in contact with us.
We offer not only compressed air solutions but also gas generation and air treatment solutions for manufacturers of every scale and industry.
Enjoy the freedom, continuity and reliability of onsite oxygen generation at a much lower cost per unit of O2.
Our compressed air treatment solutions protect your systems and processes in an energy-efficient, cost-effective and environmentally aware way.